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Multi site hosting (UK)

Posted by ibcus, 04-30-2012, 06:40 AM
I currently have a bulk hosting pack (10 domains) with Streamline.net, been with them for 6 years, renewed every 2 years. The plan was up for renewal on 24th April and the price has jumped up from just over £200 to £334.18. It seems they no longer offer the bulk user account I was on with mysql database included in the price, they are now £25 per year extra. I'm looking for an alternative place to host. I would prefer hosting in the UK, although Europe would do if it's cheap enough. I would need at least 10GB space (amatuer photography eats it up), the more the merrier. At least 10 domains to be hosted. Mysql and email (pop3) Bandwidth I'm not sure about as I have never checked how much is used. I don't need any billing support, I'm not reselling. I don't need any template or web building, I prefer to make my own sites. Simply put I just need ftp access to upload my stuff, mysql (with phpmyadmin) for a few databases and pop3 email. I would prefer to be able to pay for 2 years in one go. Any help much appreciated.

Posted by HostColor, 04-30-2012, 06:47 AM
Hmmm... it is always good to renew with your current provider in order to avoid migration, but this price seems to be very higher anyway. Why do they increasing this one? I saw their pricing and it says 6.49 pounds, but they claim to offer "Unlimited traffic". There are plenty of good fellow hosts in the UK, but since Ive never used their services I would not post recommendation. Why don;t you use the "Search" option at WHT and to check for UK offerings and then to check for reviews for the companies posted within the forums? I always find a valuable information when I'm searching within the forums. Even if you need any hardware part, sometimes WHT works better than eBay.

Posted by NottinghamISP, 04-30-2012, 06:57 AM
Isn't Streamline.net part of fasthosts uk? That is a bit of a price jump,

Posted by J Gwynne PC Repair, 04-30-2012, 07:00 AM
That's certainly doable..... one question i would have is would you like your user's to have their own access to cpanel or do you manage everything and just resell the space? the rule £1 per gig work's quite nicely... so you should be looking at £10 per month or £120 per year (someone correct me if im wrong) which i would make £240 per 2 years (£94.18 less than streamline's quote) joe

Posted by ibcus, 04-30-2012, 07:16 AM
I manage everything. There is nothing sold on. To put you more in the picture I don't actually pay for it, it's a friend. He pays the hosting and I manage his sites, I get to use it for myself too. I'm looking for the cheapest option for him, and one without any extra charges, like streamline has done with adding a mysql database for £25pa

Posted by J Gwynne PC Repair, 04-30-2012, 07:54 AM
So what you want is: 10GB disk space an unknown amount of bandwidth (can you find out how much bandwidth you use?) how many pop3 e-mail accounts? how many mysql databases? and the ability to host 10 domains (any more?) and no hidden extra charges/ mega price increases (i've actually heard of things like this happening before) joe

Posted by ibcus, 04-30-2012, 08:43 AM
20GB space would be nice (unlimited better ), 10GB would do though. To be honest at the moment bandwidth is not very much at all, I would think the most it's peaked at would be around 1GB per month, if that. I did have plans to upload all my photo's to a site I made but Streamline have a file size limit that is far too small for what I wanted. Idealy I would need to upload a jpg file of around 14mb (then process it to smaller sizes, keeping the original), so if I found a host that would allow that the bandwidth usage would go up. To be clear the page viewer would normaly view jpg's a lot smaller than that, but the option to view original would be there. 30 pop3 email accounts should be enough. 10 domains would be enough, one domain is used just for email at the moment with a few spare or just dead in the water. I'm using around 5 mysql databases at the moment, I think at the time Streamline offered 1 database per domain and 1 per sub domain included in the price. I would need to add sub domains also. That's about it.

Posted by J Gwynne PC Repair, 04-30-2012, 08:49 AM
14MB JPG's? that's a mighty inefficient use of bandwidth/disk space for use on the web as for unlimited space..... do a search on this forum and you will see how many times unlimited has been done and people have had problems with unlimted's,limits ok how many sub-domains are you using/ would you need? joe

Posted by Imhere, 04-30-2012, 08:58 AM
Do you prefer US hosting ?

Posted by J Gwynne PC Repair, 04-30-2012, 08:59 AM
the op's title specifies uk and multi site "Multi site hosting (UK)" joe

Posted by HostXNow_Chris, 04-30-2012, 09:35 AM
Well providers can't suggest themselves as per WHT rules, but I suggest you contact some that you're interested in and ask them for a custom quote (you usually get a much better deal than advertised on their website). You may also want to consider getting your own managed VPS.

Posted by HostSlim-R, 04-30-2012, 09:38 AM
Please check the offers section on this forum. Providers aren't allowed to promote themselves in this section.

Posted by ibcus, 04-30-2012, 09:44 AM
Just to clarify the jpg issue, I'm an amatuer photographer and like to upload the original jpg (this can range from 500k to 15mb, depending on the crop or processing, the average would be around 6mb). PHP will then process the jpg to make 4 files, ending up with 5 per photo. An example jpg: Original 3620px x 2444px @ 6,887.79 kB Thumbnail 80x80: 21.25 kB Small size 240x162: 68 kB Medium size 600x405: 304.71 kB Large size 1024x691: 769.33 kB The page would list all photo's as small size with medium size being shown when clicked and links to all sizes, the original would not be viewed a huge number of times. The medium size image may be embedded in a forum I visit. I currently use Flickr for this. The reason I stopped building the site was the file size limit imposed by php when processing the uploaded image the odd time I had a jpg over 8mb. I just tried with a 14mb jpg: Mon Apr 30 14:20:29 2012] [error] [client **.**.**.87] FastCGI: server "/var/www/fcgi/php-cgi" stderr: PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 14512594 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes in Unknown on line 0 This is not a great worry, as like I said I use Flickr. It was just a project I would have liked to get up and running but if the hosting price would rocket because of it I am more than happy to stick with Flickr. I'm using about 5 subdomains at the moment, but may want to add more as time goes on.

Posted by HostXNow_Chris, 04-30-2012, 10:18 AM
With your own VPS you can customize php limits, etc. You've done well to stay with a Shared provider for that long considering what you do. Maybe a good time to get your own VPS so you have more control over the resources/limits.

Posted by ibcus, 04-30-2012, 01:45 PM
I can't really justify the price of a vps just for my project, after all it's not me that is paying for it. For my photo's I will install Debian on a home server and run it from home as it's not critical, the site is just someting to play with when I'm bored. If there was a company that let me adjust php limits that would just be a bonus, it's not a must have thing.

Posted by BeZazz, 04-30-2012, 01:56 PM
Just open a ticket with the host/s you are interested in and ask.

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