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how is resseller (white labelled) actually structured?

Posted by bacontoasty, 04-20-2012, 06:14 PM
I am trying to establish what choice I get to marry my owndomainname to my reseller supersite. I was hoping to get the supersite to show but as myownwndomainname INFO Ive gone with resellerclub Have tweeked the supersite as i desire it to look Now... As white label am trying to do the url and email But seem to be in unfamiliar teritory THIS IS MY USUAL (KNOWN) SET UP: buy ownnamedomain change ns to point to my hosting server pop webpage files on hosting server set up any emails from control panel ... this shows and works fine with my other websites FOR THIS RESELLER SET UP: i am a little short on experience for the structure... I have bought my owndomainname (sat at my registrar for now) I have an account with resellerclub I have tweeked my supersite to my desired look and content Now I wish to marry the owndomainname to the supersite Q1 Can it be www myowndomainname... and the supersite content works as such Q2 If so then how to do and where do i set up the 3 or 4 emails i need OR Q3 Do i just have to host my owndomainame (in usual manner) and just place the supersite as subdomain inside my own hosted website was hoping could be as Q1 Any light to this would be appreciated Cheers

Posted by Eric1212, 04-20-2012, 11:59 PM
Hi, What do you mean when you say "supersite". Not familiar with resellersclub but hope I can help you. What exactly are you trying to do. Seems a bit more complicated then it needs to be.

Posted by HostXNow_Chris, 04-21-2012, 02:43 AM
Yes, ResellerClub setup is a lot different compared to hosts using cPanel/WHM. I don't think many users at WebHostingTalk will have much experience with ResellerClub setup.

Posted by bacontoasty, 04-21-2012, 06:36 AM
It's a ready made site with all the workings and content.... I have spent time changing images over from theirs to mine and deleting products i dont want to be involved with.... then end up with ready working site... they don't make it easy to do though.... (they reference it as 'supersite'.... (perhaps they have missed an 'h' out of the spelling! thanks for time to respond

Posted by bacontoasty, 04-21-2012, 06:53 AM
Cpanel/WHM are familiar and I have found these to be logical in structure.... RC setup is very different (only finding out as explore). Sorting the 'supersite' out to represent what i wish is hard graft and am still pondering the 'seems like' back-to front 'who pays who' billing structure. Treating it as experience.... but do wish to find a solution to this: ....Offer a customer a self build website (online webbuilder) (with hosting) opprtunity. will also explore alternatives (whilst exploring RC potential/oddities) cheers for now

Posted by Team ResellerClub, 04-22-2012, 07:52 AM
bacontoasty Pointing your own Domain Name to your SuperSite is definitely possible and is fairly simple. Here's a link to a step by step guide to do this - http://manage.resellerclub.com/kb/answer/402. Just look at the section titled Fully Branded URLs. Our KnowledgeBase also contains a section to help Resellers get started- http://manage.resellerclub.com/kb/se...et/cat116.html. You also mentioned that you're a little confused about our billing structure. If you could DM us your RID, your Account Manager can get in touch with you and help you out.

Posted by bacontoasty, 04-22-2012, 12:02 PM
Thanks for info..... the second link seems to be the area that needs to be addressed.... so have started to add A records.... but have a stumbling block at trying to set up the child name servers (12 needed... 4 ips for each of 4 nameservers) I am to ask my registrar the problem ressolve on monday morning... but i seem to have discovered that: 1. UK domain names can only have 1 (one) ip for any ns and 2. can only have a total of 10 child name servers I am learning at each stage... but is it known that UK domain names CAN or CANNOT be set up with the required 12 nameservers? cheers for your info so far, much appreciated

Posted by Team ResellerClub, 04-23-2012, 06:16 AM
If you're setting Nameservers, this link should help - http://manage.resellerclub.com/kb/se...et/faq455.html Also, you're correct about .UK domain names i.e. .UK domains support only upto 10 Nameservers. More information on that can be found here - http://manage.resellerclub.com/kb/se...et/faq455.html.

Posted by kinggekko, 04-23-2012, 11:25 AM
hi .. all I have a question on the industry standard for reseller hosting. let say , I get a dedicated IPs , if I setup a new resell account , the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/~name any hosting company here can tell us if , xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (the IP I get - dedicated) will show your hosting logo/ website or I can have my own ? as it is very much confusing for my client to setup their website using temp URL , but the temp URL IPs showing the other hosting company information

Posted by bacontoasty, 04-25-2012, 02:01 PM
Thanks for info.... all the info seems to be there in the KB system... but not listed in order of 'need doing' So far I have accomplished this: 1. added mydomainname.com in admin control page 2. made A record of www mydomainname.com to RC main ip 3. made 4 A records, one for each of 4 ns and giving them each one (from your 4 choices) of ip 4. made 4 child name of each of above A records 5. set my chosen ns names in admin panel 6. saved the admin panel changes 7. refreshed the cache waited 48 hours (now) for dns to propergate.... still no site appears when i call mydomainname in browser Any way to check where the problem may lay? cheers

Posted by Team ResellerClub, 04-26-2012, 05:29 AM
bacontoasty If you could give me your RID, I can check the issue myself and let you know if everything is configured correctly.

Posted by bacontoasty, 04-26-2012, 09:25 AM
sent my RID to your PM, thanks for time. INFO.... redid all the A records etc last night... so about 12 hours gone since. cheers

Posted by bacontoasty, 05-03-2012, 12:52 PM
umm... well, no response as offered from TRC on here All i wish to do is: Brand my white labelled supersite, got with ResellerClub, so it gets seen under my desired (owned by me) www.mydomainname.tld, instead of their 'myorderbox' address what a saga after finding and completing all the said (KB) instructions... nothing changed as hoped latest on a ticket the answer from RC to the 'no change' is now a revelation of yet something else: I see that the name servers you are using for www.mydomainame.tld point to our IPs which you cannot use since you do not have any product bought from us associated with this domain name. You need to have a web hosting or digital certificate or the domain itself bought from us to use our name servers. So please use some other name servers and then add an A record for www.mydomainame.tld pointing to on that name server. How do I acheive the last sentence... use other nameservers ? thoughts/info appreciated cheers

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