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InnoHosting Review - PROBLEMS

Posted by Binyamin, 05-04-2012, 09:38 PM
After reading positive reviews on this forum, I signed up for a Reseller account with InnoHosting. However, I'm disappointed to say that I have had nothing but problems and have asked them for a refund. Here is a summary: 1. Unable to create any reseller accounts. After creating a small WHM package with all numbers within the quota limits, I have been completely unable to actually create ANY new accounts using the package. "Number of Accounts" on the "Create a New Account" page of WHM is RED and says "1 / 0", in other words, I am able to create ZERO accounts. When selecting a package from the dropdown list, it is RED and listed as "Cannot use due to limits." However there are no accounts using any limits, and the package is well within the numbers. I communicated this clearly to the InnoHosting Tech Support in a ticket. I attached a screenshot so that they could clearly see what I was talking about. Their reply: We'll forward this to the billing department. (????) The billing department says they need me to tell them my user information. The ticket was sent while logged in on their customer portal -- they already have my full name and account number. More wasted time. Finally the Billing department says they have upgraded my account to the Enterprise level with more quota. I did not sign up for Enterprise. The problem is completely unaffected. This did absolutely nothing to change the WHM issue, which they could have seen for themselves in about 30 seconds of checking. Ticket escalated to "Management" because both the Tech and Billing departments have no idea how what the problem is. It has now been around three days since I signed up for a reseller account, and cannot actually use it. 2. I signed up for the U.S. Datacenter option -- yet ALL of the IPs given to me for my account track back to England. As far as I can tell, they gave me UK hosting when I specifically signed up for U.S. What is the point of giving customers a choice if they ignore it? 3. The "features" page lists "Fantastico" as an included feature. This is not true, I cannot access Fantastico at all. I can access the free version of Softaculous, which is mostly useless and does not provide popular installs such as Wordpress or Drupal. This is 2012, a software installer without Wordpress is ridiculous. This is not what they listed on the "features" page. I signed up for InnoHosting after reading positive reviews on WebHostingTalk and other similar forums. I am disappointed in the wasted time spent here, and simply want my money back. We'll see if they honor their money-back promise. Mods, let me know if you require additional details to complete this review. -Benjamin

Posted by rv_irl, 05-04-2012, 10:32 PM
Hi Binyamin I'm sorry to hear about the teething issues you are experiencing. If you let me know your ticket ID or hop onto our live chat I'd be happy to sort this out for you. Your WHM seems like a small issue with the package set up. It's a very quick 2 min fix that I can do for you. I think the server you were installed on was deployed very recently and an error was made for the packages which limited you to 0 accounts. Your hosting will be in the US if you chose the US. The IP's do not track back to the UK. If you perform a trace route you'll see that it will actually trace to the US. The SWIP information on the IP is registered to us, and as UK based company, some GeoIP location tools may report it incorrectly. The Softaculous is not the free version, it's the premium licensed version. I'm unsure why you believe it's the free version. But if you get back to me with some ticket ID's I can sort out your WHM issue very quickly. I would be more than happy to give you 3 months completely free service to get a better feel for the services we provide as this is an extremely small hiccup that I can rectify for you very quickly. It's an isolated case which I do apologise for. Alternatively, a quick email to our feedback/complaints dept. could have had this resolved very quickly as well. Last edited by rv_irl; 05-04-2012 at 10:43 PM.

Posted by Binyamin, 05-04-2012, 11:06 PM
Rameen - Thank you for your reply, however - I am very curious why I have to post a negative review on a third-party forum in order for this to get any attention. If it is "a 2 minute fix" why have I been waiting for DAYS to have it resolved through InnoHosting's own tech support? The ticket number is GJT-556-21241. The "main IP" given to me for my hosting is, which resolves to "Liverpool, UK" using both WhatisMyIPAddress.com and ip-adress.com/ip_tracer tools. The nameserver IPs given to me also resolve to the UK on these tools. Softaculous -- The available software installs listed on Softaculous via my cPanel are from the limited Free version. Here is a screenshot directly from my InnoHosting cPanel: edit - links not working. http :// i45.tinypic . com / 351hn54 . jpg is my screenshot. (None of the popular cms / blogs such as Wordpress or Drupal are listed, as you can see on the left-hand menu.) Here is the list of "free" scripts: url is softaculous . com / softaculous / scripts_in_free AND the full premium version lists MANY MORE scripts: softaculous . com / softaculous / softwares Again, compare this full list to what is actually listed on the InnoHosting cPanel, and it certainly looks like you guys have just thrown the free version on there while claiming it is premium. My clients need access to Wordpress and Joomla installs. Where are they? I am not trying to be a "problem customer" but I do expect the reseller hosting to work as advertised, which so far it is not. Last edited by Binyamin; 05-04-2012 at 11:12 PM.

Posted by rv_irl, 05-04-2012, 11:24 PM
You didn't have to. All you needed to do was open a complaints ticket. Those get my attention right away. I'm quite active on WHT, so I see things here as well. If you PM me on WHT, you'll receive the same. That said, I've already fixed your issue. As I said, that is incorrect. Do a trace route of that IP, or anyone can do a trace route of that IP and tell me where it ends up. That website is not actually tracing it to see where it's going, its only checking the organisation information. Here is a traceroute that I did on network-tools.com: 1 1 0 0 xe-5-3-0.edge3.dallas1.level3.net 2 0 0 0 vlan90.csw4.dallas1.level3.net 3 0 0 0 ae-93-93.ebr3.dallas1.level3.net 4 36 32 42 ae-3-3.ebr2.losangeles1.level3.net 5 Timed out 32 32 ae-82-82.csw3.losangeles1.level3.net 6 32 32 32 ae-3-80.edge3.losangeles1.level3.net 7 35 35 35 cr1.lax1.us.packetexchange.net 8 42 35 35 - 9 40 41 40 - 10 41 41 41 100-42-223-154.static.webnx.com 11 40 40 40 100-42-223-170.static.webnx.com 12 41 41 41 173-231-1-96 Notice how it does actually trace back to the DC in LA? I can confirm it is the full license. We have never used the 'free' version before. Why would we throw the free version and pretend it's the premium? The license fee for Softaculous that we pay is pretty much negligible. The only thing I noticed was that not all applications were enabled, which I have done for you now. You can contact Softaculous yourself and ask them if you want to verify it with them about whether or not this server has ever used a free license. If there is something wrong, then that's fine. But I really recommend attempting to escalate your ticket first or opening a complaint ticket because that gets management attention very quickly. I get the impression that you believe we have somehow done all of this on purpose, but we haven't. Your server was deployed only a few days ago. If there are things missing, I apologise and I will put them right. I have also offered you 3 months completely free service to prove to you that these are just teething problems and not a true representation of our service. As well as to show you that we do live up to our reputation. WHT isn't really our support desk, I have replied to your ticket and fixed all the issues you have mentioned, in just a few minutes. If there is anything else, then please use our support desk and feel free to use the complaints dept. if you are unhappy about anything. Last edited by rv_irl; 05-04-2012 at 11:27 PM.

Posted by Binyamin, 05-04-2012, 11:50 PM
Rameen and WebHostingTalk readers - I confirm that you have fixed the technical issue with WHM. Thank you. It is now working properly. However - I would like to reply to your previous post, since I feel that you are implying I am being unreasonable. I signed up and paid for an InnoHosting reseller account on the evening of May 2 (Eastern United States timezone). It is now the evening of May 4 before it is actually working properly. You say "I recommend attempting to escalate your ticket or opening a complaint ticket." I have been using your customer support portal since the beginning of this problem, and I clearly wrote that the problem was not resolved. The ticket was "escalated" all the way to "management" but was still unresolved until I posted on this forum. I followed Inno's tech support guidelines, yet it was only after this forum post that it was addressed. It makes no sense for a customer to create a SECOND support ticket, to try to get attention to the first support ticket. "Your server was deployed only a few days ago." Okay, but respectfully, that is not my problem. It feels very frustrating to be the "beta" tester on your newly-deployed server, if you understand my point. The same goes for the Softaculous scripts that you write "not all applications were enabled." Okay, but why not? Again, it is just frustrating to have to contact tech support or post on a forum in order to "enable" features that should work from the beginning. I do thank you for explaining the "traceroute" issue. I see that yes, the web-based tools were incorrectly pointing to the UK. My current view is "frustrated" but I do appreciate you taking the time to address these issues now. I will give InnoHosting another chance now that the problems seem to be resolved. If your offer of three months free still stands, I will take it and give your company another fair shot.

Posted by rv_irl, 05-04-2012, 11:56 PM
Hi, I'm not implying you are being unreasonable. If particular things were not working then you have every right to complain. I know I would too. I'm sorry that they happened in the first place. I understand that it isn't your problem that it was a very new server and not all aspects had been fully tested. I wasn't trying to provide any excuses, that's not what I typically do, it's just an explanation of why particular things happened. I have added 3 months free onto your account. I'm glad to hear that I have been able to resolve all your issues and retain your business. I will do my utmost best to make sure your experience with us does live up to the many positive reviews I'm sure you have read. If at any point you feel you feel the service is not what you have been expecting or have any issues, however big or small and would like to bring it to my attention, then you may open a new ticket with feedback/complaints or email me on rameen[a-t]innohosting.com and I will look into it for you myself. Thanks again for staying with InnoHosting!

Posted by Collabora, 05-05-2012, 12:02 AM
You have to be careful with some of those online IP tools. They use ARIN WHOIS to determine geolocation. Its like using Domain name whois to find the location of your web site. The Org and Contact info for the assigned IPs are in Great Britain (Inno is a UK company) but the IP is bound to a NIC on a server in the US.

Posted by Binyamin, 05-05-2012, 12:08 AM
Yes, I have not had any problem with online IP tracers before, and this time was very confusing when they all indicated "England." It makes more sense now, but I suspect some of my U.S. based web design clients will ask the same question. I'll save this explanation and the network-tools.com application for the future.

Posted by SSHocker, 05-05-2012, 12:30 AM
Glad to hear its solved for you

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