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paypal IPN problem, need help
Posted by Calibaba, 02-03-2008, 11:47 AM |
Have a problem. Paypal sent the below:
Idiots. The IPN was updated to the new one 1 month ago.
My Info:
CSF Firewall
WHMCS Billing
Double checked that my IPN matches between Paypal and WHMCS
Apache 2.2 / PHP 5.2.5 / MySQL 5
Last edited by Calibaba; 02-03-2008 at 11:50 AM.
Posted by diligent, 02-03-2008, 12:39 PM |
Sounds like a PayPal problem, I doubt theres anything you could do except try to change it to the new one again. Have you contacted them?
Posted by Calibaba, 02-03-2008, 02:43 PM |
I did , they're clowns. They don't give a rats *** about their own clients' businesses. I have provided them every damn detail possible, every proof it is not my end but they don't fix anything
Posted by WebHostingNeeds, 02-03-2008, 03:09 PM |
If you changed IPN url, paypal will only send notification to new url for new clients. For clients signed up with old IPN url, paypal will send notification to old url.
Posted by Calibaba, 02-03-2008, 03:59 PM |
Where do you get this info from? I had a ticket opened for over a month and they never said such a thing.
To me it does not make any logical sense that PP would still use the old IPN for subscriptions made on the old domain / billing software. What if the domain expired and no longer in use? Seriously.
Posted by Calibaba, 02-03-2008, 04:18 PM |
Can someone explain how I can symlink the two files?
Example (old)
Posted by WebHostingNeeds, 02-03-2008, 06:02 PM |
Some time back i moved my clientexec billing to a new domain as 2checkout only allow me to use it on my sales site (billing as on its own domain). ClientExec support told old IPN will not work, but i got it working by parking old domain over new domain. So when paypal posts IPN, same script get it.
Since the file is different in your cause, you may need to use some .htaccess direct. I never contacted paypal regarding the IPN url change, if they can do it, it is easy, but i doubt they will be doing that as it involve some work.
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