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Reselling 'the cloud'

Posted by AL-Benjamin, 06-28-2011, 10:48 AM
Afternoon Wondered if there was anybody that had a decent reseller programme to allow you resell 'cloud' hosting accounts. Not really interested in setting up my own cluster, but not keen on our current solution of turning people away either Given the volumes likely its not worth up setting up our own cloud, but quite happy to support those who want it. Anybody know of anybody that allows you to resell the cloud, preferably proper redundant (or elastic ) cloud solutions rather those based on single server setups that I have seen that are just migrated with downtime?? Billing system plugin would be a bonus! - Benjamin

Posted by AKatawazi, 06-29-2011, 01:09 PM
I have heard of a few companies offering low bandwidth monthly VPS and using Amazon EC2 to run it. The margins seem kind of thin though but you could do it. The other option is looking into getting some dedicated servers and setting up your own VPS infrastructure. That does require a lot more technical expertise but it might be worth it, that is actually what we are trying to do.

Posted by TeamHC, 07-01-2011, 02:05 AM
There is very less providers who provide the solution you have asked for. Still there are providers who do provide the same Always use WHT offer pages and Google for the same

Posted by MikeTrike, 07-01-2011, 02:33 AM
I'm pretty sure VPS.NET still offers resellers the ability to sell cloud. Original blog post http://www.vps.net/blog/2009/08/18/r...the-vps-cloud/

Posted by JordanJ, 07-06-2011, 06:20 PM
Are you looking to co-brand "udedi powered by xxx" or white-label "udedi's cloud"? Do you expect your customers to be able to login and create and delete VMs? Or do you just want to setup one for them? Do you want billing hourly or monthly?

Posted by erickmiller, 07-06-2011, 10:13 PM
It highly depends on what type of cloud service you are looking to resell. You might also want to consider those that have referral programs with continuous referral commissions, so very much like a reseller program, but without the branding. This is another question for you... do you want a branded reseller environment? Eric

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