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CakePHP, Zend, etc.

Posted by lexington, 06-11-2010, 10:53 PM
I never used this software as I usually write scripts from scratch. I have been searching sites for php programming jobs and 99% of them say that you have to be an expert using Zend or CakePHP. What exactly are these scripts? I visited their sites and they gave vague answers on what they are about. Are they scripts that allow you to add "add ons" like on FireFox but in a PHP form or something? I do not understand what they are for and why every job requires you to know how to use them.

Posted by OpenInternet-Vince, 06-11-2010, 11:35 PM
They are frameworks which make starting a project a lot faster. As you don't have to rewrite functions.

Posted by lexington, 06-12-2010, 12:13 AM
Yeah but I do not see the extra addons they are referring to... are they listed on the site for download or something? Also, if you already know how to write PHP from scratch already, does that mean learning how to use these frameworks will be a breeze? Or do they have their own style that you have to memorize such as tons of functions that you have to locate in order to alter something? Thanks again.

Posted by TonyB, 06-12-2010, 12:14 AM
The make application development quicker due to the fact they provide tools for common problems. For example it's common to write a database class so you might build one for MySQL. You then have to add all these functions to make it useful for your application. Zend Framework for example comes with various database classes already including MySQL. Database is just one example they all typically include all sorts of useful classes. So you have stuff for pagination, authentication, captcha, forms etc. It can save a lot of time if you do not have a library you've built already. It also allows you to not worry about such functions and worry about actual application logic. These frameworks are something I would not go without at this point. I'm developing something and I say oh I'm going to need something to do this. Well before even writing anything I look at my framework of choice documentation to see if it's already there. So maybe in this case I'm building an API and I find there are already tools for doing xmlrpc, soap etc. I now just need to worry about making the api itself not the underlying technology in fact I can make so my api uses various types of communications relatively easily.

Posted by lexington, 06-12-2010, 12:19 AM
The funny thing is over the years, I have so many of my own scripts that are used commonly stored on my computer which are applied for these instances already. Basically they just gave it a name or something that is already out there? Kinda like Twitter, a site where you simply input text when that idea has been around forever but the fact it has a hip name it is popular eh?

Posted by lexington, 06-13-2010, 01:15 PM
It sucks that I know how to code yet now I have to learn how to use all of these crap programs. It is like a permanent classroom that you can never escape.

Posted by Jatinder, 06-14-2010, 01:07 AM
I would suggest that you start off with a lightweight framework like CodeIgniter before starting with Zend framework. CodeIgniter has excellent documentation and as you get familiar with it you will be in better position to understand what frameworks are all about.

Posted by ibee, 06-14-2010, 02:08 AM
ZEND or Cake PHP are PHP Frameworks something like ASP.NET where predefined classes will be there to use and develop applications faster.

Posted by Xeentech, 06-14-2010, 03:40 AM
I'd second what Jatinder was saying. I've you've been doing your own thing up until now CodeIgniter will likely be a better fit. It mostly tries to stay out of your way and gives a dev that has their own style the freedom to do that. But also has a lot of handy routines to build upon. If you think you'll need Zend or Cake to complete on these job sites though, you may as well just get stuck in. You'll more than likely resent having to do it the Zend way at first though. Be warned.

Posted by MrSaints, 06-14-2010, 05:07 AM
I personally prefer using Frameworks now, most of the required libraries are already there and you can easily integrate them without any trouble. If you are interested in trying out CodeIgniter, I would advise Kohana. It is more or less the same and pretty much easy to use as well Just on a side note, most employers look for "Zend Certified" programmers. It is always good to open yourself up anyways. Besides, it took me away from my conventional way of coding and into the world of (H)MVC, hence creating a much more structured end result.

Posted by lexington, 06-14-2010, 09:45 AM
I often question myself if I can keep going, as I sacrificed all of my free time along with migraines and hair loss just to learn what I know now. However that is not enough now I have to learn this framework stuff, and I am sure after I learn that I would have to learn something new.

Posted by lexington, 06-14-2010, 10:25 AM
Ah one last question. I found this site that explains how Drupal works: http://learnbythedrop.com/gettingstarted I fully understand how it works now, it is just like a phpBB admin panel. Question, once you setup modules, do jobs usually require you to edit the actual coding of framework modules to add custom features?

Posted by Xeentech, 06-14-2010, 10:51 AM
The typical approach to building upon CMS and CRM systems like Drupal is to create an extension or plugin, rather than edit the actual Drupal sources. This way it's more obviously contained, more reusable and easier to re-deploy to other Drupal (or similar systems) in the future.

Posted by lexington, 06-14-2010, 01:49 PM
I see, hopefully it is not too hard to learn. Thanks for the reply.

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