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httpd processes running top or ps?

Posted by joeshacks, 02-05-2008, 02:11 AM
okay.. so here is a simple question that i just can't seem to figure out.. when i run the command top or ps -auxw.. they show the httpd processes as the command httpd or /usr/sbin/httpd, but how do i know what file that is? is there anyway to find out what file that is actually getting executed or served?

Posted by jpetersen, 02-05-2008, 02:46 AM
As root: readlink /proc/pid/exe where "pid" is the process id of the process. Example below using process id 4337: Another way is via the "lsof" command: You can also get more info on a process by snooping around in the /proc/pid directory for the process: You can also include the "e" argument to ps auxw to show some environmental information about the pid: Want to learn more about what a process is doing? Use the "strace" command: ctrl+c will stop the tracing of the process. Likewise, you can use ltrace to observe library action from the process:

Posted by david510, 02-05-2008, 04:12 AM
You can check the apache access_logs/error_log to see which all files are served currently. tail -f /usr/local/apache/log/access_logs

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