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A program that prepopulates MySQL and is able to show individual records online ?

Posted by tfc, 01-30-2012, 03:28 PM
Hello. I run a nonprofit Wordpress-powered website for teachers on a Linux + cpanel server. I've been entrusted with the profiles--i.e., names, service number, address, email, phone number, test scores, etc--of thousands of individuals. All this information currently exists in Excel format. I would like to allow teachers access to their records online and to edit information where needed (e.g., address correction) and to disallow the editing of particular other fields (e.g., test scores). Obviously, I would need to work with nearly all customized fields. I would also need to upload all data--including predesignated passwords (perhaps the service numbers)--via csv. (Presumably, each individual could change his or her own password afterward.) In other words, this won't be a "register" or "join" scenario, as all individuals have already "registered" by virtue of having been included in the Windows-based database I mentioned earlier. I have looked high and low for such a script but am unable to find one that does exactly what I need. But certainly they exist. I reckon the closest script I've seen that can do the deed is something called PHP Generator for MySQL; but it, too, falls short. Note: I do not require that the script integrate with Wordpress. I much prefer to buy an existing program than ask for someone to write such a script because I'm particular to require tech support afterwards. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks. Last edited by tfc; 01-30-2012 at 03:32 PM.

Posted by silasistefan, 01-30-2012, 04:37 PM
i would recommend you a bash script that will generate the SQL commands... but for editing the values afterwards, you will need a custom PHP script. PHP Generator for MySQL is a paid software (http://www.sqlmaestro.com/products/m...ator/purchase/)... why not pay a kid to script this in PHP?

Posted by tfc, 01-30-2012, 06:25 PM
Thanks for the reply, silasitefan I guess I assumed that, since what I'm looking for is very common on websites (a student logging in to see his grade is a common example), it was out-of-the-box software at work. I may well have to go the route you suggest, as I have yet to find anything that can do the job.

Posted by richardhay, 01-31-2012, 09:25 AM
Do you mean that you are looking to put your data into an online database (such as MySQL) and then pull from that database to allow users to edit the data? If so, this is a basic PHP/MySQL job. While you probably won't find a standalone product that will do this, I would strongly suggest posting a job on here or posting on your local craigslist. For a PHP programmer, this is a simple, couple of hours job--especially if you don't need authentication, etc. I hope that this helps! Richard

Posted by tfc, 01-31-2012, 02:02 PM
Hi Richard Users would be able to edit some fields but not others. Authentication at the row (or individual user) level is a must. Additionally, the database would have to expect particular values to be encrypted. Thanks for the suggestion.

Posted by richardhay, 01-31-2012, 02:09 PM
Thanks for writing back! Even with authentication and encryption, this would be a pretty easy task for a PHP/MySQL programmer or application developer. And, I believe that the most cost effective solution will be to hire someone to make that database for you, rather than try and find an off-the-shelf solution that would have to be heavily customized. <> But, you might want to post in the requests forum to get some quotes. <> And, again, posting on your local Craigslist might solicit a good value response too. Last edited by bear; 01-31-2012 at 03:58 PM.

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