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Looking for a low end cloud or VPS host

Posted by onlinewebs, 06-04-2011, 02:36 PM
I manage around 15-20 websites. I had them hosted on sitevalley.com, but they have screwed up on the server and all data has been lost. I am therefore looking forward to a low end cloud host (self managed) that can provide at least weekly backups, some sort of redudency and a descent speed. Websites are not high traffic. Following specs should do alright:- RAM : around 1024 MB HD Space : 80 GB Minimum Bandwidth : 150 GB Location: United States My budget is around $25 per month. Anyone can recommend a descent cloud or VPS host please. I would like to say away from hosts such as hostingfuze.com, vexxhost.com and sitevalley.com, due to excessive down time and poor support. My experience with these hosts has been very poor. Thanks in advance Last edited by onlinewebs; 06-04-2011 at 02:46 PM.

Posted by vx|brian, 06-04-2011, 03:12 PM
I'm sorry to hear the poor experience that you've had with us. The cloud offering we have has been extremely reliable with zero downtime reported until now and we are always adding new features! I'm looking to know if you can PM me specifically about your bad experience so I can help resolve your issues, or make sure you don't get any in the future.

Posted by Coolraul, 06-04-2011, 04:35 PM
A true cloud instance with 1gb ram 80gb disk is going to cost more than $25 / month. Throw in automated weekly backups and the only way is to cut corners on the infrastructure and support. A vps with that spec is pushing it even. Your bandwith is low but 1gb / 80gb is *likely* going to sacrifice quality.

Posted by JasonD10, 06-04-2011, 06:39 PM
HINT: You can't go into taco bell expecting 5 or 6 star service and you can't get premium quality hosting for budget pricing. You'll need to decide what is truly important to you and that is whether or not saving a few bucks or dealing with the headaches, downtime, loss of data, poor support, etc of budget hosts is that. If I can make an observation, staying on the same path that you are doesn't sound like it's working out for you too well as your tolerance is too low for budget hosting.

Posted by onlinewebs, 06-04-2011, 08:06 PM
My specs at this stage are just generic and so is the budget... However, if some one has something to offer, please go ahead with your suggestion, rather than making me go around in circles, and trying to increase your post count and link popularity. Rizwan Last edited by onlinewebs; 06-04-2011 at 08:13 PM.

Posted by onlinewebs, 06-04-2011, 08:09 PM
Fool me once shame on you; fool me twice shame on me. I purchased your so called redundant cloud hosting and in the first month I had several down times. The server hardly served any pages, and any time I used to go online, I found that the server was down. When support was requested, it was stated that the server is self managed and I need to look after it my self. Of course I would do that if the server was online. Then the service got suspended, without any justifiable cause. After repeated tickets and 4 days of response time you got the service back up, with lots of apologies. OK well done. Then again down times... Explanation this time was:- "We apologize for this issue. One of our cloud clusters was taken down for emergency maintenance. We were unable to make a transition using our high availability system because the issue was within it. The servers are back now with much faster performance due to updates on our system." All in all it was not a good experience. The only good side to it was that the subscription was refunded once asked.

Posted by approvalmedia, 06-10-2011, 01:08 AM
Hostingfuze seem good. We have an account with them for the last 6 months and they have been reliable. We monitor all accounts on a 30 minute basis and have had 100% uptime. DME hosting has had less than stellar performance for uptime (97.6% on average for the last month) but they're still pretty decent hosts. I'm not sure what causes their uptime issues but we monitor each VPS Server and Reseller Server we use from each other location (we have 11 VPS and 2 dedis and 6 reseller accounts spread across 13 providers in all... so we monitor from 13 different locations using our own systems to do it thereby eliminating false positives). Hostupon used to be good but they've gone downhill somewhat with their rude and agressive support staff Thats just my 2 cents.

Posted by Latic, 06-10-2011, 10:06 AM
Rizwan, I can see you are a new member and will give you the benefit of the doubt, but people are not going to try and help you if you have an attitude like this. As people have stated your budget for the specs isn't going to happen with a reputable provider and therefore no one has any suggestions to make. You can however check http://www.webhostingtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=159

Posted by tchen, 06-10-2011, 07:24 PM
If you can bring your budget up to $50, then rackspace cloudservers will probably be a good fit for you. While I recommend that you should setup an offline remote backup for your most important data, it does come with the ability to take image snapshots of your server. This unfortunately still resides on the server hardware itself, so you'll have to manually hit a single button to move it to CloudFiles.

Posted by glitched, 06-12-2011, 01:03 AM
Add another $25 to your current budget and you should be able to find a decent low-end vps, but to be honest... I would add another $30 to your current budget for your specs, and the backup feature with a reliable and good provider that knows what there doing in the cloud market to make sure your service, data is safe, and that your service is overall reliable. Good luck, and I just have high doubts that you will find a reliable solution for that budget, if you change from the cloud to a VPS; sure.. but not a true cloud.

Posted by flam316, 06-12-2011, 02:33 PM
Look at Ramhost and their 1.5gb offer. I think that would fit your needs.

Posted by FusionNET, 06-18-2011, 04:06 PM
Your budget is very small, if that is not a limited budget and can increase you should be able to find a great provider. I suggest you check out the WHT Buy&Sell section; choose a couple providers that catch your eye and such and then search on here about them and even post them to a thread asking for personal reviews. As you said "offer me something", providers are unable to offer you packages/deals/and pricing in this section that is only allowed in the Buy&Sell section. Good luck & and I hope you find your next solution and does well for you.

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