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True Love!

Posted by mhuka, 09-17-2000, 03:04 PM
I sense true love in this forum, a lot of people who love to share what they know. My sincere thanks goes out to all those who have taken time to respond to my question in such a short period of time. Special thanks to Chicken, I see your name all over the forum offering your invaluable espertise free of charge. You are a true champion, thanks again and keep it up.

Posted by Ironlung, 09-17-2000, 03:49 PM
Yes, Thank you Chicken!

Posted by Chicken, 09-17-2000, 04:28 PM
Acutally, I have just been ill (some annoying fever/cold thing I picked up from the kids I teach), and forced to stay home. This is about the only thing I can manage to do without coughing horribly. *doesn't know much, but willing to pass on what he does know*

Posted by Si, 09-17-2000, 07:21 PM
Hope you are fully recovered now Chicken. I have also benefited from your sage advice. Cheers.

Posted by OWL INTERNET, 09-17-2000, 08:34 PM
Chicken is our true 'Web Hosting God', hehe.

Posted by Annette, 09-17-2000, 08:55 PM
Ah, good. Does this mean I don't have to read crap from some of these people now?

Posted by Learner, 09-18-2000, 12:34 AM
NO WAY!!! It's just that Chicken admits that he is a good ol' helpful Chicken!!! You are good yun' Mother Hen in this forum!!! Learner

Posted by kunal, 09-18-2000, 10:13 AM
Have some "Chicken Soup" chicken, youll feel better hehehe BTW what do you teach??

Posted by MikeA, 09-18-2000, 03:06 PM
That's bizarre Chicken, my wife just got the flu this weekend too. You haven't been in my hen house, have you?

Posted by Chicken, 09-18-2000, 08:44 PM
I teach 3rd grade (the general 3rd grade stuff you had to learn in 3rd grade), in Inglewood, CA (where the Lakers used to play at the forum, before moving to the Staples Center to give you a point of reference). Really, I am just thankful to the *many* people who took their time (and continue to when I get stuck), to explain things to me back when I thought it was "neat" to own a domain (I still do, heh). There are some really great, knowledgeable people on these boards, and generally if you get stuck or need some advice, your question is answered pretty quick. I probably spend wayyyy too much time checking things out and come across things here and there, and if it applies, I pass it on. If not, I just add my usual sarcastic remarks and throw the whole thread off into a tangent, heh heh. If you've never seen me (scary, about that "mother hen" thing, I am viewable at http://www.woobster.com )

Posted by BC, 09-18-2000, 08:50 PM
Before you all fire off to Woobster, let me assure you that Chicken's site is extremely scary. You have been certifiably warned

Posted by Chicken, 09-18-2000, 09:24 PM
Just think of the damage I'd do if I actually updated it! Still reads "Happy New Year" I believe which I am hoping will schwing around again in ohhhh say, 3 1/2 months and once again be applicable. Honestly, no one has been able to figure out what the whole site means, and if you do, you'd be the first one, and you'll win a prize. (Still waiting for Daniel to come through on his offer to supply the dead goats).

Posted by Learner, 09-18-2000, 10:44 PM
Kunal could make you a nice sacrificial lamb if he prefers to go "baaaa" "baaaa" "baaaa" instead of his usual "bleep" "bleep" "bleep" Learner

Posted by akashik, 09-19-2000, 12:26 AM
As there's stuff about partners in here too I think it's kinda relevant *grin* Four years or so ago I was doing the 'webchat' thing and ran across my first 'girl with a website'. It was at geocities, and was just one of those personal shrine types of things. Being pretty new to the net at the time, to see someone out there and doing the whole html shuffle was amazing, not to mention she was pretty cute as well! In those initial days she was more than happy to hold me hand and walk me through email, site building, and together we saw the sites of the net *pun intended*. To say I thought it was 'neat' to have a website (let alone a domain), is an understatement. *lol* Times moved on, and now her full domain is under akashik.net, she asks me about html and design though she still provides some damn interesting sites to look at in her wanderings. Oh yeah, she's still currently 10 000 miles or so away in the U.S. but we've managed an engagement and a one year old daughter so far *grin* The net IS 'neat' *chuckle* Greg Moore http://www.akashik.net

Posted by JTY, 09-19-2000, 02:08 AM
Hey Chicken, have you seen the PacBell commercial with the guy in the chicken suit? John

Posted by Laci, 09-19-2000, 09:32 AM
My son started 1st grade (never been to school before) and our first gift was the cold fever and thing now I have a sick 6 yr old , 3 yr old, and 2 yr old (A sick Mum to) Id like to the wee germs that have become that bane of my exsistance LOL

Posted by kunal, 09-19-2000, 09:36 AM
yaaaaaaaa-ikes!! Dana.. get well soon!!

Posted by JTY, 09-19-2000, 06:27 PM
Dana, get well soon.

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