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Reseller Org?

Posted by Laci, 09-20-2000, 04:04 PM
Is there any group for resellers like there is a BBB online to help weed out the good the bad and the theives?

Posted by MikeA, 09-20-2000, 04:55 PM
Not that I'm aware of. Maybe that's something I could add to resellerinfo, if someone would like to help with it.

Posted by Laci, 09-20-2000, 05:04 PM
It would be a way to "Police" our selves...an alliance of independant resellers. Ill help

Posted by akashik, 09-21-2000, 12:41 AM
At first I thought that might be a bad idea, as I could just see it being a slanging match or a huge flame war, but maybe it has some merit. I wonder how difficult it would be to build something like The Webhost Guild ( http://www.whg.org ), but do it right instead of their 'good old boys' club they have there where it's only available to the big companies. I suppose the problem would be the same one they have, which is a conflict of interest in which webhosts are recommending themselves. If we could get interest from a few of the web hosting reviews sites as well as maybe someone like wired.com or zdnet.com (no easy task) and build some credibility into it then it sounds like a winner. Hmmm. some sort of 'stamp of approval' for member sites based on a Thwarte certificate system maybe? Or just a member number stamped on the graphic with a database of member sites to prevent people just nabbing the graphic. Probably not a top ten as it'll promote division but possibly a outlaw list like they have at the post office. That's a good idea as many hosts have been active in the past hunting rogue operators as they change names etc. hmmm... potential? Greg Moore http://www.akashik.net

Posted by MikeA, 09-21-2000, 09:05 AM
I agree, no top ten system. Dana, did you have some other ideas. Would you like to included it on my site, or create a totally new site for it?

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