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Finding the perfect reseller ...

Posted by S.M., 08-25-2000, 01:28 PM
Hi. For our reseller needs, ***** has a great package and everything but it lacks a few things, not to mention quality customer support. This is what I am looking for in a reseller program: - Extremely low price-per-meg ratio plan like ***** or Web Host It (competitive, at least! -- since their ratio ranges anywhere from 2-4 cents-per-meg for the reseller) - Money Back Guarantee - Private Label Online Control Panel - Toll Free Support (number must work from Canada) - Private Label Telephone/Email Technical Support, 24-7-365, with Personalized Inbound Greeting for Reseller's Clients - Web-based Reseller Account Administration - Windows NT/2000 and UNIX Hosting - mSQL 2.0.3, mySQL 3.22.25 / SQL 7.0 - 10-15 GB Transfer - Unlimited Traffic - FP 2000 Extensions - Telnet, FTP Access - Java, PERL 4, 5, 5.003 and 5.004, C++, TCL, and Python - PHP 4, Emacs 20.4, PGP 2.6.2 - Real Audio/Video/G2 7.0 Server - Support International Domains - Ability To Resell Dedicated/Colocation - Virtual IP Capability - more ... The extremely low price-per-meg ratio allows resellers to remain competitive and make a decent profit. For us, the cost to remain a reseller is not the question. Whether it prices over $200/month, as it would with *****'s reselleraccounts.com with most of those features, a couple things are lacking. They do not allow you to have a private label control panel. The cost for the packages, the ability to have personalized inbound greeting, toll free support telephone and email support 24/7 for clients, are very attractive. Unfortunately, their customer service has been less than stellar. So, if anybody can help us out, lemme know. Kudos!

Posted by jtan15, 08-25-2000, 05:22 PM
Wow. I've seen several reseller programs, but I've never seen anything like that. A private label telephone/email tech support 24-7-365 with personalized inbound greetings? That'd be really cool if a company could offer that, but I think it would be REALLY hard to succesfully do it. Does ***** offer that feature? ------------------ Vincent Paglione vince@jtan.com

Posted by UNIXIELHOST, 08-26-2000, 12:11 AM
I think you can try a company called Hostopia at http://www.hostopia.com and they do private label reselling and you can customize the reseller control panel, real neat!

Posted by S.M., 08-26-2000, 02:26 AM
Yeah, ***** does offer that. Unfortunately, their support is horrific. We already know quite a few resellers who are unhappy reselling for them. For us, a big monthly fee is not going to deter us as long as a quality package is provided. ***** comes close -- very close -- but does not meet our needs. Simply, they don't allow you to have a private label online control panel and their support is less than stellar. So, if you do find anything, kindly let us know.

Posted by Chicken, 08-26-2000, 09:40 AM
The only things that I have seen that come close to that are OLM (lacking some of the things you want like phone support), and VDI, which isn't manned 24/7 yet. I know people using OLM for reselling, but no one using the full VDI resller services. I always wondered if Burst was, but anyway... Really can't help you, sorry.

Posted by warner, 09-26-2000, 02:23 PM
A company called Affinity.com does private label with personalized greetings but i think there is a minimum number of accounts requirement.

Posted by Dan Cartin, 09-26-2000, 03:24 PM
How many sites are you hosting?

Posted by alchiba, 09-26-2000, 04:04 PM
In the interest of helping out -- and not to give anyone a plug or recommendation -- BurstNet does offer private labeling CP plus inbound toll-free number. They'll answer the phone with your name. Check them out and make your own decisions.

Posted by diyoha, 09-26-2000, 06:10 PM
They have a pretty bad reputation ... David

Posted by BC, 09-26-2000, 06:45 PM
As does *****

Posted by diyoha, 09-26-2000, 07:20 PM
Yup. I think "bad" would be an understatement. They were the biggest close call I have had with any hosting company. Burstnet is next. They were in my top 5 picks for a dedicated server. But when no one got back with me on a question I had for 2 days (and some digging) I decided against them ... when sales doesn't get back to you within 12hrs I question a company in general ... oh well ... enough of the war stories later David

Posted by Rob, 09-26-2000, 07:22 PM
the inbound greeting is an additional $150 a month, the 30 day Money back guarantee is a LIE!

Posted by alchiba, 09-26-2000, 08:00 PM
Agreed. I had bad experiences too. However, I mentioned the "B-word" only to relay information. People can decide for themselves. Who knows, maybe a leopard can change its spots? [Edited by alchiba on 09-26-2000 at 08:02 PM]

Posted by Chicken, 09-26-2000, 11:07 PM
All I can say is that I was extremely interested in what the original poster wanted as well, and considered ***** and had a reseller account with Burst. After reading complaints from people regarding support for both of these companies, I decided that if they couldn't keep their own customers happy, I couldn't consider them for my support needs. You won't find many complaints re: OLM and the support they offer their resellers. Apparently they are doing something right.

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