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H-Sphere - I though Yes, Yes, Yes and the NO... NO... NO... :(

Posted by JeremyL, 09-23-2000, 12:12 PM
Since the Alabanza thing I have restarted my hunt for the perfect CP/DSM that could content with Alabanza'a. I saw a post that mentioned H-Sphere (http://www.psoft.net) so I went to check it out. I read over their features and thought hey, they have it all. Auto billing, auto account setup, almost all the features of the Ala DSM/CP other than stuff like resseller integration. All of this and their listed price was $0.50 per user or unlimited server usage for $500 I think. Thats a deal if you ask me. SO I proceeded to take a look at the demo. I got some server errors but it was from people messing with the demo. As far as the look and feel goes I gave it an A+. It is really easy to navigate and looks great on both the users end and admin end. Ala's looked good on the users end but the DSM was terrible. I thought I had found my CP until I noticed. The script was creating a sub domain like myname.hd.psoft.net and then if you wanted a domain name you just pointed it there. But the FTP was still to the sub domain. So I am not sure, correct me if I am wrong, but the way I though Ala's CP worked was to actually tell the server to set up so and so directory on the server and give it particular rights and an IP. With H-Sphere it is basically using a script to set up a virtual sub domain (not physical) and allow you to upload to that and point a domain at it. With it's easy navigation and auto billing it was so close but no cigar. With the way it works if the main script broke down I think all the accounts would stop working. I may be wrong. It seems like it is more suited to offer free hosting to people even though the billing thing is there. Oh well I was so disapointed I had to tell someone so my rant is over Off to find another solution.

Posted by cbaker17, 09-23-2000, 01:22 PM
All be honest I havent used it yet but they offer a free 30 day demo. So ill load it on a server and let you all know. I doubt that thats the way it works it looks like they probally have the accounts setup wrong.

Posted by akashik, 09-23-2000, 01:27 PM
http://www.webhostlink.com/showthread.php?threadid=1911 The above thread talks about Felix's work on building his own control panel. I don't know how far along it is but maybe he can give you some advice. Greg Moore http://www.akashik.net

Posted by JeremyL, 09-23-2000, 02:33 PM
Yes thank you. I will be really interested in hearing your thoughts after using it. If it can be set up to run the way I want (sort of described above) I will be all over it I look forward to hearing the results.

Posted by JeremyL, 09-29-2000, 01:17 PM
Did you ever get it loaded and check it out?

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