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MCHost.com; McFishy?

Posted by sag, 01-17-2002, 08:29 PM
I see a lot of positive comments here about MCHost.com. Some things have been bothering me about them that maybe you can clear up: 1) McHost appears to be a reseller of a reseller of a reseller or something like that. Let's see, if you become a MCHost customer, it looks like this: Reseller (you) of a reseller named... \/ McHost, which is a reseller of a reseller named... \/ Site5, which is a reseller of a reseller named... \/ PWebTech, which is a reseller of a reseller named... \/ NAC.net, which is a reseller of... \/ Tier-1 providers, which in some cases are resellers of... \/ Other people's dark fiber lit up with their equipment Is that right? 2) How can Canadians maintain servers that are located in Parsippany, NJ? 3) Anyone using them for a while have significant problems with performance or uptime (hard data - like "my monitoring software says uptime is xx.yyy% over the last 90 days") - ? ------------------------------------- SAG(gy) - Refugee from a GiganticHost

Posted by AlaskanWolf, 01-17-2002, 08:38 PM
Actually MCHost isnt a reseller, they house their servers at NAC, likely co-locating them with NAC directly or another company that has storage space at discounted costs at NAC datacenter. 2. you use ssh / telnet or webmin 3. cant answer that

Posted by sag, 01-17-2002, 08:50 PM
Got an answer almost after I pressed "post." Just to clarify - I meant how can someone in Canada maintain server HARDWARE - like repairing a power supply or disk explosion, etc.? Do they have people employed near the data center? Do they use the "pool" of people who work for the data center company? Do they have service contracts with hardware vendors? Something else I don't know about? Thanks for the info.

Posted by NexDog, 01-17-2002, 09:29 PM
A datacenters job is not just to give internet access but to maintain severs aswell. If this wasn't the case then there would be only about 100 hosts on the planet. We're based in Australia but our servers are in Texas. They might as well be under the bed.

Posted by 311, 01-17-2002, 09:29 PM
1) The techs at NAC.net could probably do that, and a disk would probably never explode, but most of the time you don't need to repair the hardware, just software 2) They don't own the data center they co-locate or rent dedicated servers at NAC.net 3) no clue... 4) no clue... 5) probably, but I don't know 6) You're welcome

Posted by MCHost-Marc, 01-17-2002, 10:52 PM
1) McHost appears to be a reseller of a reseller of a reseller or something like that. Let's see, if you become a MCHost customer, it looks like this: Reseller (you) of a reseller named... \/ McHost, which is a reseller of a reseller named... \/ Site5, which is a reseller of a reseller named... \/ PWebTech, which is a reseller of a reseller named... \/ NAC.net, which is a reseller of... \/ Tier-1 providers, which in some cases are resellers of... \/ Other people's dark fiber lit up with their equipment Is that right? Not entirely true. We have our servers located in 3 different data centers. 2) How can Canadians maintain servers that are located in Parsippany, NJ? 24/7 on-site technicians. There are hardware replacements ready for all servers in case of an emergency. 3) Anyone using them for a while have significant problems with performance or uptime (hard data - like "my monitoring software says uptime is xx.yyy% over the last 90 days") - ? While only our clients can give you a perfect answer to this question, i would like to add that if you are not fully satisfied with your uptime or service, we would be happy to fully refund all your payments. Not MCFishy at all For any further questions, please feel free to contact me anytime at marc@mchost.com or at our Pre-Sales forums

Posted by 21inchguns, 01-18-2002, 02:01 AM
If there is a solid support team, and 99.9% uptime then who cares who they are reselling for.......

Posted by sag, 01-18-2002, 03:51 AM
Can you say what those three data centers are? I was also curious if you can tell me how many servers you have up and running now and if you have a policy about how may reseller accounts you put on an individual server before you consider it "full?" MCHost is starting to sound pretty McCool to me.

Posted by ebizalive, 01-18-2002, 01:09 PM
MCHost is starting to sound pretty McCool to me. I suggest that you go and participate in their forum at http://forums.mchost.com/index.php to find out what their own customers say. John

Posted by Incognito, 01-18-2002, 02:41 PM
I do wish people would be more careful in posting misinformation as supposed fact. Everyone trying to trace who buys what from whom, but most of the time they simply come to wrong conclusions. First, the true issue is what kind of service does McHost provide, and generally their reviews have been quite good. Also, NAC is used by many hosts and (until the last few days) has always been considered very good as to colocation facilities. In fact, I would be more concerned with the small hosts who say they own their own facilities. They can not possibly have the quality of communication or the redundancy that you find in a colocation center.

Posted by Dataman, 01-19-2002, 08:47 AM
I agree with that. I can't understand why everyone is so against resellers and are so determined to downgrade them, After all if they offer a good and reliable service that should be enough. There are main hosts out there, which are not resellers, which give really crap service, so I would prefer to be with a reseller with good service than a main host with bad service. And another thing why undermine resellers when most people on this forum are resellers. After all everyone has to start somewhere, and most decent companies started as resellers themselves.

Posted by sag, 01-20-2002, 12:42 AM
In b-school they hammered home the point that one must understand the entire "supply chain" and "end-to-end dependencies" in order to properly assess one's risk. In a situation where you're purchasing services from a reseller, events outside of that reseller's control can interrupt your business, so it's important to know who's who. If events at Net Access Corporation (NAC) can effect my business, I need to know about this possibility. I wasn't trying to imply that there's anything wrong wiith the reseller arrangement, I just started out skeptical and was convinced by the replies and the other posts here that MCHost is a well-run company with a strong focus where it matters - supporting its customers and professionally managing its operational responsibilities. It's been said here several times that the end-customer doesn't care who is responsible, they just want their web sites up and running all the time. If I am selling services to those end-customers, it is my obligation to know all the links in the supply chain so that I can meet the end customer's expectations of reliable service. I'll give MCHost a try. Last edited by sag; 01-20-2002 at 04:10 AM.

Posted by Dollac, 01-20-2002, 02:03 AM
Hey Sag, Your last comment (post) above mine is the way to ask and/or state information. It is a dramatic increase in the quality of writing and also provides a few points as to why you are asking what you are asking, very unlike your first message which is well not as good.

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