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Splashost or MCHost?

Posted by diavolosol, 01-09-2002, 08:57 PM
I am about dto decide with which host to signup tonight. Splashost or MChost. I want to get their largest plan since i'm going to host 200+ of my design clients, most are 1 page websites so the traffic shouldnt be high but i just want to make sure. While Splashhost has cheaper costs, MChost looks like a bigger company. Does anyone have experiencdes with these 2 companies? Also, off topic, i want top transfer thes 200+ sites as quick as possible. What would be the fastest way? Thank you

Posted by ckpeter, 01-09-2002, 09:22 PM
Hi diavolosol, Welcome to the forum! Why don't you search the board, as there has been many discussion about the two hosts before. Both companies are very fine hosts. Peter

Posted by 21inchguns, 01-10-2002, 08:04 AM
this question comes up a lot here........from what I have seen I think that either would be good.......but I personally would opt for mchost...........

Posted by acidHL, 01-10-2002, 01:53 PM
I can vouch for MCHost

Posted by Incognito, 01-10-2002, 02:13 PM
Both seem to have developed good reputations. I would advise the following: Search this forum for all comments about them. Read their posts on the forum...will give you a clue as to professionalism and knowledge. Review their plans versus your specific needs. Email them any questions and evaluate timeliness and quality of their responses. Regardless, you probably have a win/win situation.

Posted by trustedurl.com, 01-10-2002, 03:01 PM
I'm actually using both and as stated above MCHost seems like a larger company. MCHost has an active community of resellers which will help ya out with stuff. Support is good. Seems like a solid host. Advantage: large base of users, scripts. Splashhost is small (just 1 guy?), though he's good. Support is good and server stability seems excellent. Advantage here: support by ICQ, lower costs. So, either choice is good, but my main accounts are w/ mchost. (splashhost is my backup).

Posted by EssEss, 01-11-2002, 02:46 AM
Hi... They have a price difference of $5. That doesn't make much difference. Sometimes, small companies give you better personal service. The best way to judge: ask them for an IP address or domain name of the server where your domains will be shifted. Ping that IP or domain. Whichever gives you better result, go for them. Simple...eh!! Well, only YOU have to take the decision.... EssEss

Posted by blinkinhek, 01-11-2002, 05:18 AM
I couldnt decide on who to go with out of the two so I emailed both of them with a few questions and Alan from splashhost replied first so I decided to go with him. His response times to emails have been excellent and he is available to chat to online most of the day aswell!

Posted by sportypants, 01-11-2002, 07:18 AM
I've been with MCHost for a few months and find that the LONDON server I'm on is down at least two or three times a week, today I havent been able to ftp, check email or access my site, not good. This seems to be acommon problem and occurs frequently, I dont think splash hosting servers could be much worse........I might be switching myself. Good luck anyway

Posted by MCHost-Marc, 01-11-2002, 11:51 AM
Just for your information, there have been network outages beyond our control a few weeks ago which affected 90% of our machines and the london server is not down 2-3 times per week.

Posted by tlik, 01-12-2002, 01:24 PM
Currently, I've been with SplashHost. It's really good. I'm going to buy a package in MCHost to compare. However, both are EXCELLENT for reseller.

Posted by EssEss, 01-12-2002, 01:54 PM
i guess, SplashHost...says it....go for it.......Alan is personal...but beyond that, he's professional.....in my some other post, i mentioned : big hosts have small problems.... small hosts have big problems.... but what i didn't mention that.... big problems rarely happens....

Posted by OkGoNow, 01-13-2002, 04:15 PM
MCHost as well reamins very personal, and yet extremely professional. THey have their "Customer Support Helpdesk" in which you are assigned a support ticket number via email. Normally I get responses back from them in 6 hours or less. I wouldn't go with any other than MCHost.com. Just my two cents .. Thanks OkGoNow http://www.okgonow.com

Posted by acidHL, 01-13-2002, 04:24 PM
6 hours? I often get 6 MINS!

Posted by OkGoNow, 01-13-2002, 04:59 PM
Yeah, or 5 Minutes... Either way, you get the drift.. . OkGoNow

Posted by Byron, 01-14-2002, 06:37 AM
McHost seems good. I have no comment on SplashHost. Last edited by Byron; 01-20-2002 at 02:41 AM.

Posted by KingCow, 01-16-2002, 11:43 AM
I'm considering myself switching over to Splashhost.

Posted by HighSky, 01-16-2002, 11:55 AM
splashhost is down at the moment!

Posted by Alan - Vox, 01-16-2002, 12:15 PM
splash host is back up again

Posted by ckpeter, 01-16-2002, 12:39 PM
20 minutes respond and fix time, Alan, pretty impressive. Peter

Posted by benoire, 01-16-2002, 12:44 PM
It might just be me, but all of a sudden I can't access mchost nor their forums, the whole thing seems to be down, yet it was up 5 minutes ago. It may be the RAM upgrades they are carrying out.

Posted by chilediez, 01-16-2002, 01:34 PM
http://www.mchost.com/ is up!

Posted by OkGoNow, 01-16-2002, 01:52 PM
Atlantis Server is back up !

Posted by cgrey, 01-16-2002, 02:35 PM
Stayed up for a little over an hour - back down again now...

Posted by Alan - Vox, 01-16-2002, 03:09 PM
we had cpanel crash and leave the httpd.conf file blank, i restored a backup so all should be fine now.

Posted by ebizalive, 01-16-2002, 03:50 PM
Usually support at MCHost doesn't take 6 hours - not according to my experience. I had to wait several hours today but normally response is very quick. One of my questions a few days ago were answered in about 10-15 min. And yes, MCHost has had problems that were out of their control (uplink). John

Posted by ToastyX, 01-16-2002, 07:54 PM
I've never had MCHost support reply in under 2 hours through their helpdesk, and I've had support take longer than 24 hours.

Posted by diavolosol, 01-16-2002, 10:38 PM
Watch our for Splashhost.com. I asked about hosting my domains on their unlimited reseller plan and they said that most of their resellers have around 20 domains and if i wanted to hostt more than 80 or so i would have to look for a dedicated server. What a lie!!!!!!! I am with MChost now and they helped me transfer my domains in 2 days. It took longer than i thought but i found my host!! Thank you all

Posted by Alan - Vox, 01-16-2002, 10:51 PM
We are currently hosting someone who has 115 domains on my server, and thats no problem.

Posted by EssEss, 01-16-2002, 11:35 PM
Everybody wants to have less load on their server. MChost, SplashHost and others that offer (including me) 'unlimited domain' Reseller Account, will always like to have as little reseller hosting accounts as possible. Because, the more accounts are there, the more they use the bandwidth limit. So, diavolosol, you also won't have any problem for hosting 80+ domains with SplashHost.

Posted by KingCow, 01-16-2002, 11:42 PM
But is there any difference between 50 domains that use 100MB each and one domain that uses 10GB by itself alone? *If* more accounts has more load on the server, regardless the bandwidth, then it's understandable, but why should you guys care if more accounts but still use pretty much of nothing at all? I have over 30 domains at mchost, checking their bandwidth in WHM, it says I have use only 1GB total. The reason I'm saying this is I'm afraid of being kicking out of mchost, I have over 150 domains, most of them are just for me, wouldn't that be problem too? By just creating account?

Posted by OkGoNow, 01-17-2002, 12:18 AM
I reached the 50 account limit MCHost initially set for me. I used their customer support helpdesk to inform them that I had reached my limit. Within 15 minutes the increased it... No questions asked, and yes, all the websites generously use the server's resources. **My two cents** OkGoNow

Posted by WebSnail.net, 01-17-2002, 10:34 AM
I can say with surety that you won't be kicked off MCHost because you have lots of domains... At worst case you might be asked to use different forums software (some flatfile forums and a mySQL with a resource hoggin script have been blacklisted for example) but so long as you're paying for what you use and stick the AUP (ie: no warez, etc...) then you should be fine... If you have ANY doubts or concerns then raise the issue in the forums at MCHost and see what official response you get back.

Posted by HighSky, 01-19-2002, 12:06 AM
splashhost is down again at this time GMT +08:00 Singapore 1202pm same for my website under splashhost second downtime I faced....... Hope that alan will fix it soon Last edited by HighSky; 01-19-2002 at 12:12 AM.

Posted by qdh, 01-19-2002, 12:47 AM
Splashhost sure is down again... Makes things kind of tough for me - I'm a brand new reseller, been with SplashHost for exactly 5 days, and I just lost one of my two paying customers so far. I guess they (my former customer) just have bad luck - the few times they've tried to get to their site to work on it over the past couple of days, have been the times Splashhost has been down. Looks like I have a long, rocky road ahead in this business..

Posted by Byron, 01-19-2002, 01:32 AM
Yah, my Windows is down too. Maybe I should also complain on a public forum... Why don't you just send your support tickets to Splashhost? Did Splahhost not reply, making you think that it's justified for you to post your support tickets here?

Posted by Kintallon, 01-19-2002, 01:33 AM
I'm in the same situation I actually moved to Splashhost this week because my few paying customers were not happy with the downtime on my previous host. Considering Splashhost's good reputation on WHT I hope this has just been one of those weeks

Posted by Kintallon, 01-19-2002, 01:49 AM
No offence m8 but just what makes you think these posts are about support or lack of from Splashhost? I posted because this thread was started asking the relative merits of Splashhost or mchost, I don't know about you but personally I would consider that knowing if one of these hosts is experiencing some repeated downtime as pretty important to making my decision between the two hosts. Considering that some of the earlier posts in this thread are about downtime experienced by both hosts then I am obvoiusly not alone in thinking this

Posted by qdh, 01-19-2002, 01:55 AM
send my support tickets to SplashHost, but if their site is down (which happens to include their home site and mail servers), how are they going to receive them? Besides, I'm particular Alan knows he's down. My comments, however, were not a support ticket - they were a response to the original question in the thread asking people for their experience with SplashHost or MCHost. What I've reported is my (albiet limited) experience since becoming a SpashHost customer. Cheers.. Last edited by qdh; 01-19-2002 at 02:05 AM.

Posted by MCHost-Marc, 01-19-2002, 02:53 AM
It seems like Alan from Splashhost.com is not around right now, so i have contacted the data center and asked them to get the machine back up and running as soon as possible. I have not yet received a reply, but will get one hopefully shortly. Note that we are in no way affiliated with Splashhost and its a rather unusual business practice to try and get your competitor's server back online ...but someone has to do it.

Posted by Fastman, 01-19-2002, 02:59 AM
Gotta throw in my 2 cents as well here. Since early December, my down time seems to be increasing weekly at SplashHost. I'm online as much as 18 hours a day - often enough to have seen many more outages than I had hoped for. My previous (non-reseller) account was with Cedant, and I only remember them having been down 2 or 3 times in 3 years! So from my perspective, I'm concerned. No ill will intended and I suppose it's not Alan's fault, (probably more a reflection of nac.net?) but my customers don't care whose fault it may be - in their eyes it's mine! Also, true enough that the Live Chat which Alan offers is quite convenient when he is in (usually), and he is generally helpful. But it is just him, and I think I must have caught him a few times at some high-stress periods. I admit that I am a neophyte when it comes to hosting/reselling, but frankly, I had hoped for a bit more patience and help along the way. (I specifically chose SplashHost because they were the only folks I found at the time who had any type of live support with the reseller features I wanted). I can only say that Joe at IntenseInfo (my other host) and the folks at Cedant have given me ALOT more personal attention, and have gone out of their way to educate me in a very gracious manner.

Posted by Alan - Vox, 01-19-2002, 09:14 AM
Ok First of all i would like to apologise to all my customers. I woke up this morning to find the splash host server down yet again. I have been having problems with this server all week. The server has been repeatedly going completely offline, and i have heard nothing from pwebtech on why its been doing this. I have spent 6 months building up this business to what it is now and it looks like its has been ruined in what has been one very bad week. Thank you kiwi for trying to help

Posted by cdudeuk18, 01-19-2002, 09:22 AM
Oh well ... could be worse ..... Dunno how .. but it could .... Anyways ... from what i've seen ... mchost is the best .... Splashhosts is ok .... but MChost is the master within reseller hosting. please note : i am no way affiliated with MChost or Splashhosts .. nor do i do any work for them in any way.

Posted by webideas, 01-19-2002, 04:02 PM
well Among all my hosting expiriences MCHOST has been the BEST. THe support the uptime and the attitude of MCHOST team simply rocks. I think it makes sense for people to sign up with them... Ihave an account with MCHOST and the wonderful services i have recd from MARC makes me nothing but filled with gratitude towards his team...The biggest difference between them and others is that they always do more than what is expected from them.. If you are serious about reselling choose MCHOST

Posted by HighSky, 01-21-2002, 10:52 AM
splahhost is down again I been hit 3 times within 14 days.................. guide me my cilent is making noise again and again what can i do ? and

Posted by Alan - Vox, 01-21-2002, 11:04 AM
Was it neccessary for you to make a post about this? An e-mail was sent to all customers yesterday explaining the situation. There is a hardware problem causing the server to randomly freeze. We are just waiting for it to be restarted now. Alan

Posted by HighSky, 01-21-2002, 11:07 AM
Sorry abt that Alan But i was a bit of furious sorry abt the problem may cause to you.

Posted by WebSnail.net, 01-21-2002, 11:11 AM
I would have though that was obvious... You can either wait for corrective work to be carried out (which is seems is taking place) or you can go elsewhere. Does strike me as slightly "jumping on the [hostbashing] wagon" if you'd already had an email about the problem though. Just my 2pence worth.

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