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Question about software firewall

Posted by Klentelaris, 10-07-2008, 05:58 PM
Can you setup in software firewall to allow access to particular directory of server to specific ip or ip range?And what was name of firewall which start with c and have three letters only.And is it better to use firewall on whm/apache instead mod security ?

Posted by Patrick, 10-08-2008, 06:45 AM
Most (if not all) software firewalls restrict access to the entire server, not just a particular directory on a web server. If you would like to limit access to a particular directory that is publicly accessible, this can be done using an htaccess rule to either limit by IP address or password protection. I think you are referring to CSF which is basically a frontend for the Linux iptables firewall. A firewall and mod_security both serve different purposes and both are highly recommended. For example, you can use a firewall to limit access to SSH or other various ports while mod_security can protect Apache from SQL injection and other common exploits.

Posted by mod_webhosting, 10-08-2008, 07:31 AM
Firewalls do not work on a file system level but rather on a network level (IP addresses and ports). Other than that, previous poster explained it nice and short.

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