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Nocster/Burstnet = 2 Thumbs Down!

Posted by camt, 02-19-2003, 05:40 PM
As an FYI, I am just trying to steer people away from Burstnet / Nocster. They offer nothing but lies, broken promises, poor technical support, non-existant customer service (if you can reach them and/or are allowed to speak to someone!)...oh yeah but atleast they have pretty good costs for the crap they sell -- Cam. : : fantom design http://www.fantomdesign.com/ webdesign : hosting : graphic design

Posted by diederik, 02-19-2003, 05:57 PM
Care to explain ?

Posted by Derrick, 02-19-2003, 05:58 PM
hmm 3 posts, no supporting information. What is wrong, what did you do to try to contact someone or fix yourself? Derrick

Posted by camt, 02-19-2003, 06:13 PM
Derrick, This msg was posted under reseller and hosting (2 posts, not 3). And I was just trying to keep it short and sweet as it is a LONG story. A shorter version is as follows: - I was looking for a dedicated host and they seemed to have good costs. - Inquired about a few things and tried to get a speed test and a few other pieces of information that they couldn't / wouldn't provide me with. - Setup a reseller account with them upon discussing the above info with their tech. support under the condition that I would try it out for 30 days and if I wasn't happy with it I could get a complete refund. - Right off the bat they setup my account wrong, registered my info wrong and took a few days to get everything going. - I was having major speed issues (ie it was VERY slow), unlike what I was promissed from their sales rep. on the phone. - Sent in a tech. support request asking why everything was so slow, about 2 days (oh what a prompt response) later I got a reply saying someone was abusing the server and they had cut off his account. - Server was still slow. I ran various tests over about a 2 week period (various times of day) and then decided that their servers just wouldn't cut it. - During this time I sent their tech. support and sales group emails and wouldn't hear back until 24+ hrs later. - However, I found it funny that when I said I was unhappy with their services my account was cut off within minutes (there's a nice prompt responce!) - When I called about my refund I was told that they didn't offer refunds. They refussed to let me speak to a manager or supervisor. - I made several attempts to email them, however their email accounts have blocks and restrictions, ie: you have to email a particular account first to open a ticket, which then automatically closes in 48hrs, even if they haven't responded / fixed the issue at hand. - I became very frustrated trying to use their email system and made several most phone calls to talk to a manager or supervisor which I was refussed. - They ignored many of my emails that I did send in also. - I finally reached a manager via email who stated "they had done everything they could to assist me" when I replyed that they hadn't done anything at all to assist me, he did not have a reply to this. - They dogged virtually every question I asked them, would not take my calls, would not return calls and went against their guarantees, policies and statements. - They were nothing but a pain to deal with and to this day are still in breach of our contractual agreement and will not reply to my questions / avoid responding to my emails. Cam.

Posted by DomainKing, 02-19-2003, 08:13 PM
Try talking to Sean

Posted by Justin Reel, 02-19-2003, 08:59 PM
I agree. I've only ever emailed them once, but I got a VERY quick, friendly reply from sean answering all my questions.. at 12AM no less..

Posted by Esr Tek, 02-20-2003, 01:04 AM
They've been nothin but top-notch to me.. Got server perfect as ordered, and support has been fast when I've hit them up w my newbie questions

Posted by ukndoit, 02-20-2003, 03:20 AM
I've given them 2 chances, both times the Billing Dept screwed me over. I cannot get Sean to talk to me about it, he tells me to talk to Sandi. Sandi has yet to even respond to an email, and we are offline(taken offline without any warning and they are at fault for not sending me an invoice because their Billing HD crashed). I'm just very upset with them. As I said in another thread, it's very true that you get what you pay for. They don't charge much, and I guess they don't care much. I will agree that in the past, Sean has been GREAT. Support tickets though, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM to support@billing.net takes at least 48 hours to get a response. It has been a LONG TIME since I got one faster than that. Sometimes on the AIM, the support guys are rude, and obnoxious, very unprofessional. I know you should be able to have fun at work, but to poke fun and be strange on AIM, when you don't know whom your talking to, in person, then that is just flat out NOT professional. I have a very poor respect for BurstNET, because of their billing dept. Sean, if you read this, then you should seriously look at your billing dept, it's horrible, and management is the key. I'd start fresh. Mike. Disclaimer: The post above by myself reflect only my view, because of past experience with the discussed company. We do not tell you that you should avoid them or use them, but only give you our Point of view, use at your OWN risk.

Posted by camt, 02-20-2003, 09:41 AM
Mike, Thanks for the info, it is good to hear that I'm not the only one that feels this way about this firm. Personally I don't know who Sean is so I am not saying anything against him, but everyone that I have dealt with in this organization has been problematic to say the least. It is evident that this company just doesn't care about their customers. The old saying "you get what you pay for" doesn't always hold true, as I charge rock bottom costs for a lot of the webdesign and other work that I do and offer my clients the best possible service I possibly can. It has led to my firm growing substantially through referals. Also, after cancelling my Nocster/BusrtNET account I signed up with SRL Hosting (www.srlhosting.com) and have nothing but the world to speak about this firm. They have great customer service, great support, and fast servers...all at a fraction of Nocster/BurstNET's Reseller costs. PS. If anyone does checkout SRL Hosting tell them that I sent you! <> Last edited by BC; 02-20-2003 at 07:11 PM.

Posted by ukndoit, 02-20-2003, 01:39 PM
Well, Cam, I checked them(SRLHosting) but they don't offer SSH. I asked them if they could make an exception, as I must have Shell access, as a web programmer, my life would be hell without it ;o) Shell saves me hours on troubleshooting my applications. I emailed them last night, but still have not heard anything. It's ok though, lol, I have not heard from ANY of the companies I asked questions of ;o) Eurofficial or whatever that one is, looks good thus far. I'm getting worried, all these companies seem to have something wrong thus far. The worst one I found is EPC or whatever one that is. I was talking to them via livehelp and I asked them a sensative question(about how many clients do you have) and they resonded they could not give out that data, then started ignoring me I was very patient too, as I tend to be. Oh well. I'm still looking for the best. I'll find them ;o) Take care.

Posted by Dajo77, 02-20-2003, 03:16 PM
I've been with SRLNet for a few months now, and it's been the greatest. Replys and tickest most of the time have been answered in minutes.

Posted by ukndoit, 02-20-2003, 04:56 PM
Ok, but will they give you Shell Access? I still have not received an reply from them about it. Richard.

Posted by hpeters998, 02-20-2003, 05:23 PM
Hi, I totally agree with u camt. Ordered a server a while back during their Haloween sales. It ended up just like this. No computerparts in stock, no replies on my emails, no replies on AIM, lies about setup time, time after time, misleading webpage showing the available servers, while they didnt have them... Can't believe there are still people begging for a nocster server after all this... hP

Posted by M7I, 02-20-2003, 06:54 PM
ukndoit, I did receive your email last evening. I replyed to it that we do not currnently make an exception for SSH access. I am aware that some companies make exceptions, but we have decided not to at this point. I apoligize for you not receiving the reply, I will forward the sent email to you in a short while.

Posted by ukndoit, 02-20-2003, 07:10 PM
No problem, I understand, we did not make an exception either, except on a very very professional basis. We only made the exception twice in 6 years! Now, I've put our company on hold, because I am simply swamped, and have a lot of health problems and stress makes it worse, so the few customers we have left after Burst Scrwed us over, I'm going to just maintain on a reseller account, and not accept any new customers. I thought about selling First Rate Hosting, but shoot, I have put 6 years into it, first as a small division, then on it's own domain and the like. I'm not going to throw all that away. After I finish all the sites I have to do, then I'll finish the new FRH, and I'll be back, and next time I'll advertise much more ;o) I just never had time to advertise at all, I just relied on Word of mouth. I was building an awesome Affiliate program INTO the new FRH, but now that is all on hold(kinda relieved - huge job!), I even built quite a few banners for it, an affiliate tracking and oh so much more. man I'm soooo relieved to not be rushed with it now Anyways, we are trusting our very valued customers to be hosted with Dathorn. I just setup the account, and am transering the accounts now. I must admit, he is almost as good at support as we are ;o) super fast! I think we'll be ok, during this 'dark period', plus he allows shell access, so I can still build my Web applications Thank you though. Sorry I kinda got upset that I did not get your reply to me, I've had some pretty bad tastes come into my mouth for a few of the hosting companies I've found on here. It really errcks me when they don't respond at all. Anyways, to each his own. Have a blessed and GREAT day! Richard

Posted by camt, 03-17-2003, 01:07 PM
UPDATE: ~-~-~- Despite everyone's praise of Sean and his dedication to service, contacting him was no help. I will not bash him as I have no reason to, however I am still very unsatisfied with BurstNET / Nocster and would advise people to stay clear. I emailed Sean nearly a month ago and he responded that he would look into the problem for me (thank you!). However, after not hearing back from him, I followed up with 2 more emails spaced out 1-2 weeks. Both times I received a reply a few days later stating that he was busy and would get back to me. Now that its nearly a month later I'm guessing its safe to assume that nobody at Nocster/Burstnet gives a damn about my problem & that my views of their lack of service and support and not carying about their customers hold true.

Posted by ttremeth, 03-17-2003, 05:33 PM
Had server with them, had a hardware issue but generally their support was excellent but a little on the slow side.

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