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HOSTFORWEB ? Down ? Any info ?

Posted by jarekb, 03-16-2003, 01:00 PM
Hello Do you have info about hostforweb, why is down ? I went to bed only for couple hours and I got it. Please let me know if you have any info. is down for me more than 5 hours www.hostforweb.com could you try my domain to please ?

Posted by vivider, 03-16-2003, 01:09 PM
Why you go to them website ? And ask to them ?

Posted by jarekb, 03-16-2003, 01:11 PM
If I could go would be nice . from here I can not access any of their servers. so I posted question asking for verifing if you can access .

Posted by jarekb, 03-16-2003, 01:36 PM
THANK YOU I got info . They changed toanother server and my dns did not get propagation yet. :-( Strange I would keep two webs on till propagation would be finished. For weyland memory is down Thank you

Posted by vivider, 03-16-2003, 02:06 PM
how many times in this week ?

Posted by boywonder, 03-16-2003, 03:00 PM
I have been with them since December. This last Month and a Half, my server has been down 3 times a week at least. ANyone else have the same. boywonder

Posted by rsanchez, 03-16-2003, 05:24 PM
To all resellers of hostforweb. All servers have being down since 7AM and no answer at tech. support. I did manage to email them at support@hostforweb.com and got a trouble ticket. Like if it's going to solve anything. Tried calling the phone number I have for them but no answer. It's time to leave before I go out of business. Anyone recommed another company.

Posted by rsanchez, 03-16-2003, 05:42 PM
Here is an email I got regarding hostforweb: From: Frederick G. [mailtoysadmin@hostforweb.com] Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 2:58 PM Subject: CCI-16154: Server DOWN Hi, the datacenter is aware of the problem and we are waiting for them to fix the hardware and restore the OS. Regards, _______________________________ Frederick G. Support Dep.

Posted by rsanchez, 03-16-2003, 06:00 PM
UPDATE FROM TECH SUPPORT @ HOSTFORWEB: From: Frederick G. [mailtoysadmin@hostforweb.com] Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 3:46 PM Subject: CCI-16154: Server DOWN Hi, no data will be lost, new ETA is 2-3 hours. Regards, _______________________________ Frederick G. Support Dep.

Posted by jarekb, 03-16-2003, 07:42 PM
The are reinstalling OS . So lets wait what willbe next :-)

Posted by boywonder, 03-16-2003, 07:47 PM
I am looking into a other companies at this time. They seriously dropped the ball on this one. That server has been up and down for months, and even I saw this comming, and was stupid to stay. Know my clients are pissed of as hell. I can in no way afford a lose like this again, I am new and just started to convience clients to go with me and this happens. Now I know servers go down, yes. This server has had problems since day one, and should have been dragged out and shot. I do not understand why keep clients on a f-up server. Well I think people are getting there first look at operations or who they pick for there Data Center. I gave them by Friday to put me on a different server or bye, bye. Take all my business and gone. I was lucky and took peoples advice, never put eggs in one basket. I have another data reseller I use for other half of clients, just for this reason. So only half of my clients are pissed off instead of all of them

Posted by jarekb, 03-17-2003, 01:26 AM
Still Down . Oj Oj I made mistake

Posted by boywonder, 03-17-2003, 02:40 AM
The server went down at 7:00am it is now 10:37am and stil f--- down. This is the biggest bull**** I have seen, and unexceptable. They say they did a HD and O/S change. You tell me how long it takes to swamp 2 drives and Linux O/S, not 15 hours I tell you that. They dropped the ball, my clients were with out service ALL DAY...... I tell you this, refund my month, cause my clients want me to refund them..for this month. I would too if I was unable to access mail or HTTP, and have advertising for my business foing this weekend, and my website is down so Marketing shot. This was a bad day, and yet no word from there f----- boss. I am done with Hostforweb.com They provided good service and when time came to playball, they struck out 1,2,3. They are not ready for big game, and it is not worth taking another day like this!

Posted by ace750usa, 03-17-2003, 02:18 PM
Hello, Please review this thread for info on what happened http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showth...ght=hostforweb Best Regards, Alex Korneyev President HostForWeb Inc

Posted by boywonder, 03-17-2003, 02:31 PM
27 hours and counting the server still updating. I am still missing 6 websites and no access to them.

Posted by ace750usa, 03-17-2003, 02:38 PM
Hello, The reason for continued downtime is that Cpanel function of "restoring multiple accounts" Does not work properly. Therefore we have to restore each account individually. Best Regards, Alex Korneyev

Posted by ace750usa, 03-17-2003, 02:58 PM
Hello, The problem with restore is that CPANEL's multiple restore function does not work properly and we have to restore all of the accounts manually. Also, Data Center gave us a server with 1.7Ghz Celeron as opposed to 2.4Ghz that we had before. We are setting up 2 brand new servers in a new location, and will be moving clients asap. Alex Korneyev HostForWeb inc.

Posted by boywonder, 03-17-2003, 03:11 PM
Just called e-mail from 3 guys never met before. It turns out my clients websites are being put on there domain names. This just gets better and better.

Posted by rsanchez, 03-18-2003, 12:30 AM
I spoke with Alex today around 3PM and was told my domains were going to be up and running but there is still problems with some of them. I tried contacting tech. support regarding the problem since 7PM but have not resolved anything. I just wish hfw was a little more responsive to its customers. As for my webhosting business, I may have already lost the last two customers who had any trust in my service. I also got an attorney wanting to talk lawsuit.

Posted by boywonder, 03-18-2003, 01:52 AM
This serve is going to be a great server, no one will be left on it. rsanchez, is steamed like me. I lost customers too. WFH will never make-up the money I lost. Everything is done I gues, but still need to go into accounts delete and re-create them. Man I tell you what a mess this was. I have already contacted and setup a temp reseller. Till I do more reseach into finding a top reseller that will take some adult content. I have now been think about co-loaction or dedicated., I think I will still well do not knwo, need to think it through more. I would not recommend HFW to anyone. Dave there tech support is the onlyone I talk to that knows and has acted fast, andlike a pro. Knows his stuff for tech support.

Posted by rsanchez, 03-18-2003, 02:27 AM
I've given up on hfw, no one is answering my e-mails and alex is sending out false hopes on making his promises come true. I would suggest anyone who is still on hfw time to change. I'll continue to reach tech support in a last attempt to get one domain up and running.

Posted by boywonder, 03-18-2003, 03:27 AM
It is 46 hrs later, and I am back up to normal now. I had to reset all my packages in Cpanel, and reset 6 accounts, e-mails, and upload HTML files. I have changed service, and Drop WFH. If you have an account drop it and run now. I lost $$$ in this down time. It is not worth it trust me. A vary bad week, and financial setback. As soon as my new server propergates it NS settings, we are done. 24 hrs will close are account with WFH. It was so not worth there costs and packages for the hell I went trough with customers. Alex, has not even said sorry that me and other of his clients have lost customers and thousands of dollars over the this. All they do is point the fingure at the Data Center. Well it is over and done with. I hope this comapny goes belly up, and it will after this episode, and if it happens again god be with the next fools.

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