Portal Home > Knowledgebase > Articles Database > I FOUND THE MASTER RESELLER ACCOUNT!- Just Look at this Comparative TABLE


Posted by Syntetica, 09-01-2003, 05:30 AM
Well, the truth is i haven't. I had been searching in this forum for the best reseller account,i had spent a lot of time making this COMPARATIVE TABLE of all Resellers that had been said "are best" in this forum. After i finished ,clearly i saw which are the 3 best. Anyway i ask you your opinions of all of them. In the excel table you will find: -Hybridnetwork -Netzstarts -CitadelHost -Credible Host -PixieHost -Dathorn -Httpme -Resellerspace -Clock-net -e-z-Hosting -FusionSeven -BestReseller Please note that the field CONTENT RESTRICTION is to show which RESELLERS allow LEGAL ADULT sites, since some RESELLERS doesn´t allow that, they limit your clients. But that's my opinion, i need a reseller who allow LEGAL ADULT sites,because actually i had clients who own that kind of sites. After analize the table, which ones that fits my needs, I think these are the best: (No special order) Bestreseller CitadelHost HybridNetwork Please wich of these (3) do you recommend me? ----------------------------------------------------------- ALSO Which of these do you recommend me (SEMI DEDICATED AND DEDICATED) rackshack.net VenturesOnline.net servint.com servermatrix.com dot5hosting.com webreseller.net --------- YEAP! i need a reseller account and a semi dedicated or dedicated account. Please recommend one or two of each list. Also i hope others enjoy the list, i think it will save time and provide helpful information. Have a Nice Day to All. SYNTETICA. Last edited by Syntetica; 08-26-2006 at 11:35 AM.

Posted by code-2k3, 09-01-2003, 05:40 AM
Bestreseller: I would strongly advise against bestreseller, they offer very poor support, have no communication with their customers and have had around 8/9 hours downtime in the last week alone. I have just thankfully moved several sites away from there, after loosing two clients in the process due to the problems. CitadelHost: No experience with them so can't really comment. HybridNetwork: I've not used them personally, but a good friend was hosted there for around 6/7 months and i know he was very happy, and don't recall him having any downtime through all that time. Somebody you don't have on your list is http://vshosting.net i just moved to them after the nightmares at bestreseller.com and their support is first class. Emails, forum posts, IM's always responded to within 10 minutes, they are very flexible and make every effort to ensure everythings ok. If you do a search for them i'm sure you'll find more praise from other customers.

Posted by quattro4x4, 09-01-2003, 06:15 AM
you missed out clook.net they are a great host!

Posted by techmark, 09-01-2003, 06:16 AM
vshosting.net does not allow Adult content Regards Mark

Posted by Syntetica, 09-01-2003, 06:18 AM
Code-2k3 , thanks for your opinion, i really appreciate it! Minutes before i saw your answer i was in the BestReseller thread and i realized that they have unhappy customers, i dont want to be unhappy :p. Also thaks for your suggestion, now im considering vshosting. In fact, i added to the list.That's a pitty that they don't allow Adult sites, but any way im considering to have 1 reseller account and 1 semidedicated account, so they are still in mind HERES THE UPDATED LIST: Last edited by Syntetica; 08-26-2006 at 11:35 AM.

Posted by Syntetica, 09-01-2003, 06:25 AM
Yeap, VsHosting, i know you don't allow adult sites, if i decide to sign up with you i will use other resource for my client's adult sites. That's one reason why i want 1 reseller account and 1 semidedicated or dedicated account.

Posted by code-2k3, 09-01-2003, 06:30 AM
Sorry, about the adult content part, i didn't quite read the post well enough.

Posted by SecureAX, 09-01-2003, 08:29 AM
Hi guys, This is definitely a very informative comparison. But anyway, I would like to give some suggestions. Although I am not their customer, but I have contacted some of them before: 1. Dathorn - Fast & Friendly reply - All their servers are monitored by Alertra - Anonymous 2. Citadelhost - Fast & Friendly reply - Jon is helpful in MSN. I am chatting with him almost daily - Anonymous 3. Crediblehost - Friendly forum - Anonymous 4. Best Reseller - A very dissapointing sales & support desk Hope that helps!

Posted by JonL, 09-01-2003, 11:45 AM
I appreciate being on your top 3 hosts; however, we unfortunately do not allow adult content. Please check out our TOS kkhost.net: Thanks for the kind words Regards,

Posted by maiself, 09-01-2003, 12:27 PM
1. dathon 2. vshosting 3. citadelhost & crediblehost 4. ... dathorn still no 1 choice except no uptime guaranty Last edited by maiself; 09-01-2003 at 01:21 PM.

Posted by JustinH, 09-01-2003, 01:42 PM
http://httpme.com http://clook.net http://resellerspace.net http://crediblehost.com http://fusionseven.com I haven't used the above hosts, but I will mention that out of your list, only the above have sensible pricing. IMHO you'll always lose something by going with a Dathorn type host...

Posted by Klian, 09-01-2003, 04:55 PM
The best reseller is httpme.com Incredible support. And a high uptime. 10 points for HTTPME

Posted by Steven.C, 09-01-2003, 05:58 PM
Aussie Bob from httpme.com really is a great guy, so you wouldn't have to worry about getting high quality service from them.

Posted by Syntetica, 09-01-2003, 08:00 PM
Thanks to all, for your opinions, they are very valuable for my choice. And how about these resellers for Dedicated accounts? rackshack.net VenturesOnline.net servint.com servermatrix.com dot5hosting.com webreseller.net Which of these do you recommend me?

Posted by Steven.C, 09-01-2003, 08:10 PM
Can't go wrong with rackshack.net

Posted by Syntetica, 09-23-2003, 03:03 PM
23 DAYS AGO.. since i made this post. And now these are my experiences: I had signed up with: hellohost CitadelHost HybridNetwork I chose to contract all these accounts, because if one of my accounts fall, i avoid that all my account falls. Well... HelloHost has nice/fast support, but one day (maybe i had just 1 week with them) one of my sites was down, they didn't noticed me, when i chat with the admin by MSN, he said that my account (a cpanel account, not my WHM) was suspended because that account was overloading 2/1 or something like that.. the machine because the account had several images. I told him that first of all i had never seen something like that in his TOS, in fact i hadn't seen his tos at all, because in hellohost pages never appear a TOS link, at any page. (He told me that , it appear when someone sign up for a hosting account) but guess what, i signed up for a reseller account, then there the TOS link just doesen't appear. He told me that now he was going to fix that. Well i ask for my money back, and he gave it to me. SO... I left hellohost. 3/5 STARS FOR HELLOHOST ------------- And now to Judge CitadelHost Well nothing than good things with citadelhost, since i signed up i recived a nice wellcome, and Jon is really nice person, and for me is excellent to had him in my MSN. Live support ,every day. Of course i had about 20 days with cita del host, but im happy to be with citadelhost. I hope to review this thread in 2 months and still saying the same, i know i will. 5/5 STARS FOR CITADELHOST! ------------ AND Now how about Hybrid Network?? Well just like cita del host, excellent service, fast and friendly suport, if Mark from HybridNetwork see you online in his MSN, sometimes he ask you if everything is Ok, thats nice. Im really happy with hybridnetwork , no downtimes since i signed up. ( Yeap,I know i just have 20 days with them, but belive me, before i came to WebHostingTalk forums i was with other companies that fall , and i had just signed up with them!,or been witht hem for a week) 5/5 STARS FOR HYBRIDNETWORK!! ---------- Since i left hellohost i signed up with Webreseller.net Im still don't now if i will left them too. I had 2 issues, First time i submit a ticket asking them to change my nameserver from one domain to another, they reply the same day. The second ticket i submit was because i had some domains that didn´t work with www, like this: http://exampledomain.com <-- was working http://www.exampledomain.com <--- wasn't working And i could do anything because my WHM hadn't enabled the EDIT DNS ZONE function. They said me that my plan dosen't allow that. That if i had an issue i had to email them to fix that. I had actually the CPANEL BRONZE RESELLER ACCOUNT, and guess what? , again the same issue, 4 DOMAINS doesn't work with www, So i will submit a ticket to webreseller to fix that, but now i lose a client, and i had to move 2 accounts to my other accounts (accounts that i trust , YES , cita del host and hybridnetwork) Then i really don't know if i will still with webreseller.net or just left them. ------------------------------------------------------------------ If i left webreseller.net , im thinking to sign up with one of this companies: http://p4host.com./ http://clook.net/services/resellers.php http://www.noc24.com/resellers.html Which one do you recommend? Also im thinking to get a dedicated server account, so which of these do you recommend: www.server4you.com http://servers.aplus.net/page.php?pg=dedicated rackshack.net Thanks to all, i hope this helps you to the stright way to finding a good Reseller Hosting Company. SORRY FOR MY POOR ENGLISH, I TRY IT. Last edited by Syntetica; 09-23-2003 at 03:10 PM.

Posted by CrazyTech, 09-23-2003, 03:51 PM
Rackshack.net or ServerMatrix I have had positive experiences with both. Go with SM if you need a little more of a hand to hold. I have also heard a lot of good about ServInt.com as well.

Posted by RossMAN, 09-23-2003, 04:22 PM

Posted by clearstr, 09-26-2003, 12:41 AM
re:HybridNetwork.com I just had a really informative chat with Mark over there. Even though he determined it's best I get a dedicated server (from someone else) he still spent over an hour educating me about the best choices to make! d

Posted by eBoundary, 09-26-2003, 02:42 AM
This is a pretty common problem with a couple versions of cPanel, a simple manual edit of httpd.conf is required to correct it. Drop me a line if it hasnt been fixed yet and I'll give you the details to pass on.

Posted by DediPlace, 09-26-2003, 05:20 AM
I've just sign up with citadelhost.com 2 days ago and my initial review is that they are superb in answering trouble tickets (within 5 mins), fast servers and network, very helpful, and hard to believe it's price. Lastly, they moved my accounts for free which is very important for me. Thanks CitadelHost! I hope this will continue in the months to come.... Regards

Posted by nifty, 09-27-2003, 12:01 AM
Yeah I've been with them for a couple of months (shared hosting, not reseller) and I was shocked with the quality of hosting! I mean I didn't expect to get a reply to my support questions (via the help desk) in less than a few minutes! I can't say enough good things about Citadelhost.

Posted by Syntetica, 10-01-2003, 01:33 PM
OK, i left webreseller.net They couldn't resolve my dns issues, caused by them, because the domains worked fine when i had them on my last reseller company, that i left because the long downtime. And now, i see, that proably they will bill me one month more!!, i have no more than 3 weeks with them, and if you want to leave them, they will process your cancellation within the next 30 days, meaning they will invoice you again, even if you are not going to use the account any more. Their ticket support system works, they answer you the same day you send the ticket, their support is fast and nice, but for me, that doesn't worth it at all if they can't resolve your issues. Im just a bit angry about the cancellation issue, at this time i don't know if my cancellation will be processed before the next invoice. I had a chat with some one of sales (live chat) it was a nice chat, and he offer me a nice package if i decide not to leave them. Notice, i had modified this post, i said some angry words , but what to say , if you decide to cancell and your order could be processed within the next 30 days, meaning you coulbe invoiced one more time after your cancellation. 3/5 stars for webreseller.net ___________________________________________________ I will update my list of resellers within the next days, taking my own experience. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last edited by Syntetica; 10-01-2003 at 04:18 PM.

Posted by centrahost, 10-01-2003, 02:02 PM
Wow! Is that true? If so, that's really ridiculous.

Posted by webseller, 10-01-2003, 03:14 PM
we have a 30 day cancellation policy, this is not uncommon in the hosting industry. Syntetica, sorry for your problems you had, our support has always been top notch and this sounds like bad luck you had. If you need anything or for that matter I will be very happy to set you up with an account at no charge for a bit to prove this...

Posted by Steven.C, 10-01-2003, 05:20 PM
Hello Syntetica, It's nice to be included in this list. :-) Not to be picky or anything, but would you mind changing "Netzstarts" to NetStartz. - Althought now that I think of it you may not be able to becaue of when you originally posted it. Oh well nothing big. I've never personally talked to you before, but it seems you have done your background research. Good luck with your search for the "Master Reseller Acct." - S.C.

Posted by ReliableSol, 10-03-2003, 08:27 PM
If it's not uncommon then it should be, because it is downright unfair to the customer. It rings of a cheap grab for money, and makes your company look like a scam. The income that this policy generates for you is probably more than offset by the negative image and reputation that is created by the word of mouth advertising done by the people stung by it. It's your choice, but it caused me to put you onto my never to use list.

Posted by dwscenter, 10-04-2003, 02:57 AM
Hello WHT Members, After searching thru these forums I chose netstartz to see and the price structure is fantastic. This led me to follow up with some questions I had about there services remind you its now 1:30A on a Friday/Saturday Morning...and yes you guessed it Live Support WAS available. I spoke with Steven there till about 3A, I asked him questions from the common to the most advanced about his services, and he answered them all. The thing that impressed me the most is that as stated above we were in a chat for over an hour and he not once, made me feel like I was an inconvience on him. I have got that from other hosts using online help. Also, his response time was very quick between my reponse and his, so its not like he was talking to 20 others or trying to do 10 other things. I give them a A PLUS, I will be signing with them at the end of the month and will post further about my services here, but for anyone that is looking for a host, I say try them and see for your self. Another good one is Dathorn.com, Andy is excellent there as well. Lower Cost hosts are usually dead end, but I feel these two are not...and Im speaking from experience with Dathorn as I been a customer there for over 7 months and have not 1 not 1 complaint. Just thought I would let the users know here on the good hosts out there and will definetly follow up after my 1st and 3rd month with NetStartz.com Tom

Posted by RHShawn, 10-04-2003, 11:54 AM
Thanks guys this has been pretty helpful in my quest for "The master reseller account" i'm tossing up between 2 now CitadelHost and HybridNetwork hmm decisions decisions decisions.

Posted by SyntaxTheory, 10-14-2003, 04:05 AM
I have moved around with various reseller accounts, virtual acounts, etc. and am using the information from this thread to help make my decision. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that tossed out some knowledge...it is appreciated.

Posted by Mehtuus, 10-23-2003, 01:26 AM
This is a good thread with lots of info. I am using the xls form posted here to help out with this. After I add to it a bit I will repost it back to wht.

Posted by Syntetica, 10-26-2003, 01:39 AM
Fist of all, thanks to all guys for your valued opinions. Now just to notice that webreseller billed me that extra month that i didn't use it. Its true it is in their policies, but also is truth that is really ridiculous, but as i say "that are the strange ways are" , yeap you sign up for 1 month, you cancel the same month you signed up but sorprise you have to pay 1 month more!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Im updating the Master Reseller Account LIST, so wait a few days to download the upadted file, im just taking care to compare if the fees are the same (because i made that list a weeks ago) and trying to fill all the information about all the servers involved in my list, also writing my comments and general comments that i founded here in webhostingtalk forums ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have a nice day to All.

Posted by kohashi, 10-27-2003, 09:58 AM
I would like to say that is a nice list you have compiled. Good job Dathorn does not allow adult content. I do recommend though (apparently they are not offering more accounts at the moment - very responsible of them not to oversell). I have been happy with them personally... and have been with them since... april was it? It has been a long and smooth ride. Only had 1-2 bugs which were fixed quickly and they are very courteous.

Posted by IHSL, 10-27-2003, 10:44 AM
Looks like a solid list, although if your quest is to find the ultimate reseller account, you have around 2-3000 companies left to visit

Posted by DaZ, 10-28-2003, 03:53 AM
LoL.. and the rest...

Posted by grap, 10-28-2003, 05:26 PM
I dont see UnitedHosting listed anywhere - take a look at them, fantastic support, great service and competitive costs. I just signed with them, tremendous.

Posted by truelygenius, 10-29-2003, 03:18 AM
get 1 gb at just $10 month

Posted by ISNMIKE, 10-30-2003, 03:41 AM
h bestreseller tyhere support has gone down hill also there sales staff are not on enough, i have had alot of downtime too

Posted by mdrussell, 10-30-2003, 06:32 AM
Without a doubt the best reseller you mentioned in that list would be HTTPme. I also hear good things about reseller space. You should base your choice on whether you want to go with a company that has a proven track record and will be there for your business to grow or whether you want rock bottom costs and the worry that they may go out of business, whether you want same day or sub 1 hour responses, etc. In the list you mentioned many of the hosts fall into different categories making it harder to compare.

Posted by Mysterian, 11-05-2003, 09:14 PM
I have an Xpanel plan for 5 cpanels at planetshosting.com. this is very affordable and allows you to be a reseller with plenty of control other than owning the server. You can sell custom web host plans and make as many accounts as your plan allows. I have had 100% uptime with them for over 3 months. this was with a service I use to watch my accounts hosted on there server. They get

Posted by ndxb, 11-13-2003, 10:48 AM
Stay away from webreseller - they have serious billing issues!

Posted by gbcactus, 11-13-2003, 12:54 PM
I have not had good experience with webreseller.net

Posted by KENTROPOLIS, 11-14-2003, 10:27 AM
No .. they have serious ethical issues. Billing trouble is just a by-product.

Posted by marcjd, 11-14-2003, 03:19 PM
CitadelHost: Signed up with them last Friday. Monday tried transferring files over but the servers were in effect down due to DDosed attacks on the routers or something for several hours. Finally able to get things transferred over on Tuesday. Thursday morning the servers were down again from at least 0600 until 1200 or so EST. Didn't get a response to my urgent tickets until around 1000-1100. I guess they are on PST and were still sleeping. When it has been up it has been very slow, much slower than Powweb for crying out loud. It is down again right now and so goes my one week experience with Citadel Host. Looking into Hybrid Network at the moment.

Posted by prousa, 11-14-2003, 06:02 PM
I am also using Webreseller.. thier support is great.. fast and very friendly. But I have had many downtime, and some wired DNS problems... I am planing to move on... The 30 day limit... how dose it work ? What do you mean by "within" 30 days? If I cancel today I will pay for a month but my clients websites could get down any time?

Posted by webseller, 11-14-2003, 06:05 PM
ndxb, you did not follow policy and that is why you are mad, you have done your charge back, we reported it, and that is that...

Posted by KENTROPOLIS, 11-14-2003, 11:29 PM
I wouldn't go there ... Why couldn't you just settle for a simple, "We do not agree with the views or details at to the experience of NDXB with our company." Now you are bringing it on yourself ... People here should NOT take it for granted a billing dispute was not justified. Especially from Webreseller, as many of you can clearly attest, including myself. It is also lamentable that posts from "Webreseller" always make people with bad experiences with then out to be "just mad at us because ... didn't follow the rules ... blah, blah, blah." Yeah, I know ... us Webreseller-Spankers are all just over-emotional and eager to take a pot-shot any chance we get over something that happened over a year ago. You bet. If the shoe still fits after a year, you're still gonna wear it. We are consumer advocates who had more than just a "poor service" experience. We are people who truly believed we were screwed, and we aint going away unless the issues aren't brought up by anyone who currently needs fair warning. Agree to disagree all you want. Prove us wrong by changing your ways. P.S. "Mr. Webreseller" -- have the Dragon Ball-Z to sign your name to your posts. Last edited by KENTROPOLIS; 11-14-2003 at 11:42 PM.

Posted by prin, 11-15-2003, 12:54 AM
don't forget to count voxtreme in

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