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Which reselling model is better for a beginner?

Posted by javafaq, 10-01-2003, 06:27 AM
Hello! I was reading all forums here during last year... And my wish to become a resseller comes up and down, depending on the posting I read I have good plan how to start and studied all necessary things about billing, advertising, tech. questions etc. I drive my won site many years and administer it without big problems... I see that exist two models of resseling: 1. Buy dedicated server, slice it to different pieces and sale 2. Buy packages with a discount from another hosting company and sale them... I think i will probably chose number 2... i have found quite good offer from Liquidweb for resselers... My questions are: 1. Which model is better to start with? +++ or - - - 2. If I go with model 2 is my choise to ressale Liquidweb paclages good or exist better alternatives? I asked them some questions but they did not answered yet. I read here that many people here advices dathorn, but I found the luck of info for resselers there and no discount if I sale many packages... Please share your ideas! alexandre

Posted by trademe, 10-01-2003, 06:39 AM
If you have everything sorted, plan details, ad, support and big bucks to spend.. go for dedicated server.. If you haven't done anything, don't choose a reseller company just YET! Organise everything first, build up your website, publish it and then buy reseller packages from liquidweb...

Posted by CrazyTech, 10-01-2003, 06:46 AM
Do NOT go for the dedicated server unless you know how to run a server or you pay an admin to manage it for you. Servers aren't that easy at all to run, so I'd definitely recommend Option #2 unless of course you happen to know how to run a server or know of a good admin you can outsource. Option #2 is probably the best at this point to get your feet wet and learn the basics first. Then once you start building up, you can upgrade to the dedicated at a later date.

Posted by javafaq, 10-01-2003, 07:17 AM
unbelievable!!! i just posted, drunk one cup of cofee, fixed one script and see 2 replies! thanks for promt reply! What do you think about Liquid Web reselling? If it is not a secret (of course I am sure, but anyway) what do you resell or resold when you started your bussines? if it was recently... not 5 years ago (when you had probably another market) ???

Posted by Aussie Bob, 10-01-2003, 07:42 AM
If you're cashed up and can manage your server 24x7, then start at the dedicated server level. However, starting your business at the reseller level is also a good move. This way you can build up your revenue and then jump up to your own server. We started at the reseller level, and quickly grew into our own servers, as the cashflow allowed. Now we have our own rack and own servers. It's good to be 100% debt free with a business that's growing at around 10%/mth. There's no right or wrong here, and there are pros and cons on both sides. It just comes down to what's best for you.

Posted by kenop, 11-14-2003, 10:21 AM
Get a reseller account first (don't resell other peoples plans, learn to run your own virtual dedicated server.)

Posted by M7I, 11-14-2003, 12:01 PM
We started with a reseller account from httpme, now have 6 servers of our own and growing. I would suggest the reseller route as it allows you to grow your business while focusing more on marketing.

Posted by ozzie123, 11-14-2003, 12:18 PM
It depends solely on your expertise and your cash. For me, a person with not enough cash (I even bought the website design from TM!), I will go for reseller. Later on, if the business good, I'll go dedicated.

Posted by webideas, 11-17-2003, 03:13 PM
Its wise to start at small level and then gradually grow. You might have cash to start the business but it requires regular flow to maintain the infrastructure which will come with time. Taking up a dedicated server at the start up level will require more time to manage & support it while initially your time should be spent in building up customer relationship/sales/advertising/promotion and other things which may bring in cash flow. If nothing then copy the model of successful & Stable companies..I suggest you to try Aussie Bob's Model..go slow but steady

Posted by Martie, 11-17-2003, 05:43 PM
Hi, Its refreshing to see someone doing some research. My advice would be to get a reseller account and start from there. I think a major problem resellers are running into nowdays are just finding the right provider. You want someone that is going to lend a helping hand with any issues you might have (in other words, "good support for you") while its not the job of your upstream to provide support to your clients you should make sure you will get some degree of support for yourself. This approach will at least give you an idea of whether or not this industry is for you. A reseller pkg. will be less expensive for you to start with and in time you could invest in the dedicated server.

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