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help on choosing a FAST and reliable reseller

Posted by Kyla, 09-22-2004, 03:26 AM
I'm looking for a reseller that offers about 2-3 Gig space, about 25+ Gig transfer, unlimited mysql, free setup, free parked domains/addon domains, and pretty much unlimited everything else. I REALLY wanted to go with turkeyresellers, but when I tried to sign up, they current are not offering any more registrations before they get their new servers up. I just found out from my server that they cancelled my plan because "he gave up web hosting".. so I'm looking for a plan I can buy really fast.. also, this is a huge one.. i need one that will accept Paypal and monthly payments.. i'm having trouble finding places that accept paypal. I'm looking for fairly cheap costs as well, something close to turkeyresllers as possible. I'm also looking for a fast server, i've been with a lot of servers that are so slow, i really need a fast one to keep my customers happy, and myself. Thanks guys. Last edited by Kyla; 09-22-2004 at 03:30 AM.

Posted by Website Rob, 09-22-2004, 03:58 AM
Never heard of turkeyresellers so posting a URL might help people to provide comparable pricing. Your requirements look fairly standard and hard to believe there are not Hosters in your price range offering payment through PayPal. But then, we are back to not knowing what your current price range is.

Posted by Kyla, 09-22-2004, 04:06 AM
sorry, i meant to say zoneserv.com zoneserv.com there you can find their plans.

Posted by UnifiedNet, 09-22-2004, 09:36 AM
Kyla, Should i even ask what your budget is?

Posted by wise, 09-22-2004, 10:33 AM
I'm sure most hosts will accept paypal monthly - whats your budget?

Posted by InSite, 09-22-2004, 10:37 AM
Maybe you need to re-think your strategy... How many times do you need to learn the same lesson: cheap costs = cheap / crowded servers = poor performance / reliability.

Posted by msldystrkr, 09-22-2004, 12:48 PM
I too am in the market for a new reseller account so I will give you what I have found so far... all of these are dot com unless otherwise noted: harveyhosting ornagepiranha *********** invhosting dot net unsitesolutions hostnetway dreamhosted I have tried each for customer service and support and all have answered immediately! I know there are many more out there.. If you want to know a reseller to stay away from send me an email... I don't want to post here until I get my sites moved!

Posted by Compworld, 09-22-2004, 03:04 PM

Posted by ZoneServ.com, 09-22-2004, 03:13 PM
That's a stupid generalization. Cheap costs can come along with high performance, high reliabillity and high quality support. Regards, Gil.

Posted by Kyla, 09-22-2004, 03:35 PM
Gil, question for you, when will you be accepting more clients? and do you accept paypal. my focus right now other than zoneserv.com is hasweb.com, they over great plans, and their clients seem to love it. Anyone had prior experience with them? are they any good?

Posted by ZoneServ.com, 09-22-2004, 03:44 PM
We just ordered new servers 2 days ago, should be setup tonight and ready for production by Sunday. Thank you for your interest, Gil.

Posted by Dedicatedone, 09-22-2004, 04:32 PM
When you're big and your production prices are cheaper then yes, but when you're small and production prices are high then it's true that cheaper costs means more crowded servers. Just my opinion.

Posted by InSite, 09-22-2004, 05:02 PM
Gil, I actually have a lot of time for you, as I think you are an honest person (and a master publicist). But realistically, we all have the option of purchasing our servers from the same datacenters, so we all know what the general running prices involved are. Yes, there are ways to cut these prices, but the trade off is always quality. The simple fact is that a 'budget' reseller host - especially one who sells huge packages at a very small cost - will have to sell many many more accounts before a server breaks even. And these are much bigger accounts to begin with. I agree that for several months this may not cause a problem, but as users needs grow, the potential for disaster is that much greater. Please don't take this personally - I have no doubt that you give everything you can to your customers. But I think in the long term, you can only spread yourself so thinly. If you don't have the infrastructure and resources in place to expand, or even maintain what you have, then that is when the cracks will show in your business plan. It's happened a million times here at WHT already, with countless 'excellent' hosts suddenly disappearing. Maybe you will be the one to break the trend, but you certainly aren't the first to claim that it is possible.

Posted by ZoneServ.com, 09-22-2004, 05:33 PM
Thank you for a great post, I do believe it happend a milion (and one) times on WHT. And I do know (not believe, know) that we will break the trend, our business model is built very smartly and currently we are working on getting the pricer higher to gain more quality and less load on each server (currently 5, tommorrow 6 servers). I hope to do business with you some day (as I hope with any other great host). All have a good day, Best regards, Gil.

Posted by Dedicatedone, 09-22-2004, 08:16 PM
There have been some hosts that broke that trend, he won't be the first. I think we're all saying is that the majority of the hosts that think they can dominate the market by offering cheap pricing with lots of extras won't last too long. There are some that will succeed and congrats to them because they obviously had it in them.

Posted by c_2006, 09-23-2004, 05:29 PM
I am a customer of Hostnetway, and I have to say im quite impressed with the Network and the support is excellent. There is someone able to help you at almost anytime of the day. Their uptime is very good and reliable. Just an all around good company. Praise To Hostnetway

Posted by mwe_001, 09-23-2004, 07:20 PM
I would reccommend hostnetway as the other person state dabove in there list. I have been with them for months and n omajor issues...I had a domain with them MWEVA.com (since moved to my own host package) and have a reseller pack as well. quality products, quality service, and all my sites i host as well are completely satisfied... They have many support options I.E. telephone, messengers, support tickets, and various others. No I do not work for them , I personally buy service from them..I wouldnt reccommend them if I didnt believe in them..Just my two cents worth......Thanks and happy hosting.....

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