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KrapHost Strikes Again....

Posted by NY DesignZ, 08-24-2004, 10:08 AM
Hello Friends, Yes, I'm another victim of the KAPHOST experience. I am happy to say I have finally left them and it's nice to see my sites up and running again! Here's my warning for anyone looking into Kap...STAY AWAY! Here's my story...I'll summarize for you... 1) Servers are crippled...it was confirmed through AIM convos that there were over 500 accounts on one server. Is that OVERLOAD or what? 2) Every other day the server was down or the email server was down. Anytime I questioned the problem, I was told that there were SPAMMERS abusing the accounts and they had to suspend them? Why dont you just tell me that your server is completely overloaded? That SPAMMER excuse got old. I cant tell you how much email was lost! 3) Tech Support - Although they usually always showed a presence on AIM, they never had a clue as to why my site was down or email was down. They would get it back up if it was a small prob, but could not explain why? I had to be BIG BROTHER, always monitoring my sites and email and then contact them right away. Why should I do this? Then, as if it was planned, my site always seemed to go down when NEW CLIENTS were viewing my work....that never failed and was extremely embarassing. There were times when there were huge problems with the server and the tech people had no clue what was happening. They just pointed fingers at the data center and actually ASKED ME one time, if I knew a good datacenter to use!! ARE YOU JOKING!! My worst prob came when a genius attempted to do a kernel update at 12noon and crashed the server. Since they messed up so bad, they figured they had to reinstall the OS!!!! Are you kidding?? As expected, this problem lasted for about 20hours...and yes 20hrs of downtime. 4) Sales...Not sure if they even exist! I sent multiple emails requesting compensation and also to cancel my account. NO ONE RESPONES. When I confront Tech Support about it, they claim the Admin is not at his station????? HIS STATION??? How long does it take for a person to walk over to the PC and check email?? Station?? There are sooo many other stories to tell...but the bottom line is STAY AWAY. I lost potential customers, KAP didnt care. I looked bad to current clients, KAP didnt care. I had calls everyday from clients using my server complaining, KAP did not care. Asked for compensation, KAP never responded. Here's the KAP setup...one guy bought a server, hired some guys from some cave to do tech support and decided to sell as many plans he can before the server just bursts into a ball a flames and then walk away without even giving a ****.

Posted by lastminutehosting, 08-24-2004, 12:41 PM
Sorry you had a bad time with a host it is very discouraging and gives all host a bad name. Hopefully your next host will renew your faith in host and treat you like you should be treated.

Posted by Wapture, 08-24-2004, 12:54 PM
It doesn't give all hosts a bad name... In actual fact it gives other hosts a good name...lol Sorry about your bad experience with KapHost, and I am glad that you have found a new host that can take care of you and your websites... May I ask which host your at now? Also, keep us posted on our new host...

Posted by ldcdc, 08-24-2004, 01:53 PM
Hmm... the very fact that this kind of things happen so often gives the hosting industry a bad image. Then again, this situation makes the good hosts even more valuable.

Posted by NY DesignZ, 08-24-2004, 01:58 PM
It gives the hosting industry a bad image because any "joe" can think they are a hosting company just because they bought a server. These companies offer NO phone support, sometimes no CHAT support and use the same basic ticket service which is included in FANTASICO. So with that being said, anyone could do and that's why finding a quality host is a time consuming task. I was searching for WEEKS and it was very difficult. The search engines are filled with two-bit companies LIKE KAPHOST among others and the quality hosts are hidden or just sometimes their costs are through the roof....but I am now on a dedicated server and I'm very happy!

Posted by Derrick, 08-24-2004, 03:05 PM
Ny Designz, We understand your complaint, but sometimes costs through the roof is what pays for 24 x 7 support, Phone support and live chat Derrick

Posted by Mark L, 08-25-2004, 12:08 AM
Kaphost is the worst host ever. I was with them. 0 Support, Insaine downtime, and considering they used to be an "UNLIMITED" host. What a surprise. So that is why they are crap.

Posted by Aussie Bob, 08-25-2004, 12:26 AM

Posted by Indiepath, 08-25-2004, 03:31 AM
NY DesignZ: sorry to hear that Why not switch to HomeTownHosting.com? I think they could be within your price range (I compared Kaphost costs) *and* HomeTownHosting service & support is just great (do a search in these forums to see other people commenting their service). I'd recommend.

Posted by Konfig, 08-25-2004, 05:38 AM
Sorry too hear that

Posted by Mxhub, 08-25-2004, 05:44 AM
Kraphost look to be turning to crap host now. Better switch to another host fast. Good luck.

Posted by NY DesignZ, 08-25-2004, 09:09 AM
It's been 5 days now...and the sales team at KRAPHOST failed to respond to my cancellation email and request. This is actually typical and I expected this. They think by not responding, they can delay till the due date and charge my account. I wish I had the opportunity to meet the Admin or the owner for that matter.... let's just say it wouldn't be pretty.. So I went above their heads and contacted 2Checkout who handles their sales transactions and placed a complaint with them about KRAPHOST and they immediately responded and stopped the billing on my account. I have since moved to a new host and even told 2CO to not involve themselves with such a shady company!

Posted by Mark L, 08-25-2004, 11:24 PM
I was charged 3 MONTHS after I left, i contacted them, no answer on phone, nothing, the only thing that stopped it was a threat of legal action.

Posted by SubReseller, 08-28-2004, 07:26 PM
i used kaphost for some of my personal sites about a year ago, found them through a ebay auction! they claimed to have "quad xeon" processors, which in the end turned out to be just duel HT, which i thought was a little misleading support was good back then, clearly indian outsourced though

Posted by Aussie Bob, 08-29-2004, 01:03 AM
Yep, it's very misleading, but you'd be amazed at the number of hosts trying to pull that lie off!

Posted by Profuse-Jimmy, 08-29-2004, 03:45 AM
Hahaha the lost comment was funny... Well you get what you paid for.....

Posted by Roy@ENHOST, 09-04-2004, 06:08 PM
KRAPHOST? Jesus, how can any webhost come up with that name? I don't know about you but I wouldn't go with any webhosts that has a bad company name. If they don't put in effort in coming up with a good name what makes you think they will put in effort to take care of customers? OK, thats not a good analogy but you know what I'm trying to say. Imagine a webhost with the domain www.alwaysdownservers.com or www.0-uptimehost.com Will you sign up?

Posted by FortressHost.Com, 09-04-2004, 07:19 PM
Hello! Wow. This is insane that a host would even consider naming it's self kraphost... What is this world coming to? Good day.

Posted by xgravity, 09-04-2004, 07:41 PM
The host is named Kaphost.com , not kraphost The customer was just upset so he modified the name to say "Krap"

Posted by Roy@ENHOST, 09-04-2004, 08:16 PM
Still I wouldn't want to name my own company anything that is close to crap.

Posted by Lev, 09-04-2004, 08:46 PM
Just a comment about Quad Xeon servers, not all hosts lie about that

Posted by uderman, 09-15-2004, 06:10 PM
I first started out with KAPhost from an ebay auction, and yes their downtime was an absolute joke... There tech support (indian outsourced) didnt have a clue either so I switched to hostgator. Hostgator are excellent but there msn support must have be the same guys doing kaphost!!!

Posted by Roy@ENHOST, 09-15-2004, 07:06 PM
Can you explain? Are you saying that Gators are using Indian support staff as well?

Posted by uderman, 09-15-2004, 07:14 PM
Yes, hostgator are using indian support staff, who at best dont have a clue and when I ask a question i get an answer to something i didnt even ask... Hostgator themselves are very good but this drove me nuts... How do I know there msn support staff are in india?? I asked them... simple as that... I just said "where are you based in the world" and they told me they were in india... which would explain there terrible replies in english...

Posted by Roy@ENHOST, 09-16-2004, 12:16 AM
I think its time outsource support companies undergo QC for their staff. I can imagine them going on to the street in India and randomly ask an Indian guy "How would you like to work for in a webhosting support department?". Then the person replies "What the hell is that? I have just got my first computer last week but if theres money I will do it." Company representative replies "OK report to work tomorrow. No dress code required" The guy " OK I will come in my singlet and boxers" Company representative replies "Sounds fine with me. The people you are working for can't see you anyway."

Posted by mfreund, 09-16-2004, 02:36 AM
That is really a bunch of Krap

Posted by hamptech Mike, 09-20-2004, 10:00 PM
been with kraphost and done that own my own dedi now ...

Posted by readylink, 09-24-2004, 01:57 AM
kaphost is closing down, look on their website. i guess they finally figured they suck. damn some resellers and their customers are gonna been even more pissed.

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