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Avoid DataPacket.net at all costs!!

Posted by mallpay, 07-27-2002, 12:29 AM
DataPacket.net is the WORST hosting experience I have ever had. No response to any support questions in over a month!! I sent E-mails, made many phone calls, and left lots of messages. NO Response at all! My websites went down all the time. Features and services were constantly down or not working. No refund given, and he tried to charge me double payment! Their site claims: "Customer Service - Our Customer Support staff is ready to assist you 24 hours, 7 days a week. Our Hosting Experts will answer any questions you may have until you are comfortable that they are resolved and in a positive and prompt manner." All lies! They never even responded to my questions. Stay away from DPN (datapacket.net) at all prices! They are owned by Brian Bennett. <---- Bad *I am including this on more boards to warn others so they won't have to go through what I did.

Posted by Aquamarina, 07-27-2002, 06:49 AM
Same old song my dear *******! I've sent them an email asking something about international cheques. Still waiting for an answer. Glad I did not go with them! I also faced similar problems with 2globalmart. I got prompt responses saying we're sorry! If you do business I don't think the word sorry should be in your vocabulary! <---Have lots of Greek Sun!

Posted by mk123, 07-27-2002, 07:14 AM
yeah rite Aqua... at least you could make phone call. Some guys like Sterlet.net don't have Phone no. etc anywhere. So in the time of need, when 24/7 are not there, u are alone on the cold dark night. But wait you're not alone, your clients are there making bonfire to grillll u

Posted by mk123, 07-27-2002, 07:15 AM
btw wat are the other boards u're referring? maybe i should also pay visit to broaden my knowledge

Posted by Aquamarina, 07-27-2002, 08:21 AM
Well, when I faced my first problem with 2globalmart, I said lets be polite. I had sent an email asking whether the command addnew was supported in their servers. The answer was, we will ask our developers and we will answer you. Still I haven't got an answer. I found it was supported 2 days after, after hundrends of tests. The problem of a programmer most of the times is not how to do it, but if it can be done. So think of me these two days! I didn't knew even if my tons of download-change-upload was worthwile! You want more? For one week my sites where 10-30 minutes down. I asked why and they said they were changing servers. Since we here in Greece have 7 hours time difference, when there was night, but here was morning, so since they had international customers they should think that this could cause a problem to us, who woke up to work and found our sites down! Nor to mention our customers! Oh yes! Today i got an email saying -surprise surprise- they face a problem again and tommorow most of the sites will be down! I have many to say about them. Think that they have multiple domain accounts which are considered as reseller accounts! Maybe we should do something about all these companies... a top 100 of the worst or something like that... <--- Have lots of Greek Sun!

Posted by davidjmedloc, 02-26-2003, 03:30 PM
Aqua, I'm having the same difficulty with 2globalmart. One of my client's sites has been down for a total of at least 8 days in the past 2 months, costing him who knows how much in revenue. They're one of the worst hosting experiences I've ever had. I'm firing them soon.

Posted by Binaria, 02-26-2003, 04:13 PM
I have been with Datapacket almost a year now... and well... once upon a time my sites where down 2 weeks " hecker attach problems" was the "reason" that they post on their site... of course when their site came online again, DP site was offline at least a week but well... what can i say? we need to find a real relayable win hosting, after all it is not cheap so... we should have good service, isn't it?

Posted by nyattila, 09-24-2004, 03:59 AM
Here is my story with datapacket.net About a month ago my site suddenly went down. The online operator informed me that they changed their network and directed me to sales@datapacket.net. I sent a mail asking to make the site online. When I saw that they wouldn’t answer I contacted again the operator. This time he directed me to the big boss (Brian Bennett) bbennett@datapacket.net. I sent a mail again to both of these addresses and also dropped a ticket for the support team. Mr. Bennett seemed to be too busy spending our money since he was not going to do anything to solve the problem. I couldn’t do anything only to invade them with mails. I think I sent at least 100 mails and dropped some a dozen of tickets when after 10 days Mr. Bennett answered me, asking the payment transaction ID. In that very day I sent it to him, and to everybody who has an email address ending with @datapacket.net. Since then I am sending to them 3-5 mails/day with the details they asked to make my site back. My site is still offline, nobody is working there (the online operator is also not working for more than a week). I have also dropped the following tickets: KHT-46557, JAM-18208, SRI-75962, LLM-22865, XBM-38898, XSZ-85503, NRV-38486. In the first days I was very angry, I was afraid that I would loose my clients. Now I lost them all and so I lost some money too. If you need a hosting server, avoid Datapacket.net, it is a thief gang. They will steal your money and won’t do the service you paid them.

Posted by eXperience, 09-24-2004, 04:12 AM
Customer Service - Our Customer Support staff is ready to assist you 24 hours, 7 days a week. Our Hosting Experts will answer any questions you may have until you are comfortable that they are resolved and in a positive and prompt manner." .... ...... ....... COMPLETE BULLSH**!!!!!!

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