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Go Daddy in Trouble?

Posted by sababa, 06-29-2008, 06:04 PM
I am a Go Daddy / Wildwest reseller for 5 years. Lately there has been a delays of 1-3 months in their payments of commisions. The first time this happened I called them and I was told that they had some problems in the system and there was delays. The 2nd time it happened, I was told the same story. When I mentioned that this makes me worry for the future. I was told "that is all we can say" Has anyone heard of similar problems?? Thanks

Posted by blomstervand, 06-30-2008, 07:33 AM
yes, godaddy has been really slacky on support after beginning of this year. I have dropped them completely, they dont really answer my tickets. I was using shared webhosting, not reseller, but i guess its the same

Posted by sababa, 06-30-2008, 07:37 AM
My problem is that I am a reseller and I get a check from them... so far it has been very profitable...

Posted by iHubNet-Matt, 06-30-2008, 10:36 AM
If the same issue happens over and over that means there is something lacking. You should think of an alternative solution.

Posted by blomstervand, 06-30-2008, 10:41 AM
yes, they dont send check=lack of support right??

Posted by ldcdc, 06-30-2008, 12:30 PM
Easy to say, but it's not easy to get out of this deal. There's no easy way to move customers over to a new service. He's more or less locked in, and his main option right now probably is to expand into using other services too.

Posted by JenLepp, 06-30-2008, 01:13 PM
Naw, you cancel with them, they keep everybody. Unless you have folks on your own account, you can't touch the accounts that people opened themselves with them, through you. I closed a Reseller account with them - first, they wouldn't allow me to cancel at the end of the billing period even though there was an option at the interface to do so - just kept getting errors. So after trying 10 times, I called and asked to cancel at the end of the billing period, and got the hard sell which, admittedly, I expected. Then in the middle of the conversation, when the guy realized he couldn't keep me, he said that he was going to go ahead and cancel me. Now, this conversation took place on March 27, and I had prepaid for the highest reseller package through June 30 (oddly enough, today!) four years back. When I asked him if the date I had was correct, the guy I talked to let me know that since I was leaving he was just canceling me now. Um, wait a minute. When I stated that I wanted the entire time that I had paid for he said they simply couldn't do that - it was nuke it now or I could call on the very last day (meanwhile, no doubt, they would keep trying to charge my card), and what's more, the emails were going out to my clients as we speak, anyway and it couldn't be undone. So, that's three months of commissions I lost that should have been mine (would have been somewhere in the neighborhood of $600+), three months of service I paid for that I didn't get that they didn't refund (and frankly, I didn't ask - I figured on the answer), and to top it all off I had to deal with clients freaking out because the emails they sent made it sound like we had sold our entire business to their reseller and since we were preparing for the transition three months in advance and yet they nuked us on the spot early, we didn't have *any* time to prepare them. I would never deal with them again, for anything, and if you are going to leave them, be very careful - they apparently don't take it well.

Posted by servoadmin, 07-05-2008, 11:40 PM
As they have established a name they feel that their heads are added with more weight...but these forums and other general forums would teach them a lesson...

Posted by Lakpura, 07-09-2008, 07:22 AM
we also had to many problems with them - big no no to GoDaddy.

Posted by outposter, 07-09-2008, 09:50 AM
We have a client whose domain they have refused to move to us. We have been tailing them for close to 6 months but they dont care nor do they respond. The 'transfer domain' in the control panel is a dead link which they have never fixed. Stay away. Jim Driver

Posted by GN-Shashaank, 07-09-2008, 09:27 PM
Its hard to belive that Go Daddy has 2 million customers and 6 million total domains under management.

Posted by ezhostingwizard, 07-09-2008, 09:36 PM
Go DADDY got really big really FAST when they aquired registerfly.com but thats another story. Godaddy did not was not going to send me any renewal notices and My client had to pay $90 to keep a domain that was terminated, I transfered all my domains to another domain register as soon as Godaddy would allow the transfer. I think now people are beginning to catch on that Godaddy isint the only host/registery in town. there are many out there now and most of them are a lot better than Godaddy, in Hosting and domain registration. cheaper too I might add.

Posted by Mr. Obvious, 07-09-2008, 10:31 PM
umm..Godaddy didn't aquire Registerfly..

Posted by AleLes, 07-10-2008, 12:02 AM
I find GoDaddy's so called "usefullness" to lie only with domains. I have contacted their support once, and yes, it is very ifnot extremely slow. Big no to GoDaddy unless its for domains. Just my 2 cents.

Posted by ezhostingwizard, 07-10-2008, 12:37 AM
umm yea My domains were with Registerfly then I went to login one day they had all been transfered to godaddy, But I do think another company was also involved in the take over.

Posted by RDOSTI, 07-10-2008, 02:38 AM
Godaddy got hold of most of Registerfly's accounts (user/clientbase) There was a split between Godaddy and Enom getting hold of Registerfly's accounts. I ended my sites over on Enom, though tons went to Godaddy. 850,000 domains went to godaddy . There was a later court case because registerfly wanted to continue and not lose acredition ,etc...long process of heated stuff...

Posted by djorgensen, 07-10-2008, 04:04 AM
Couldnt you search Google. This is quite a well covered story, GoDaddy was given the domains basically by Icann after after requested companies to step in and assist RegisterFly customers

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